Haven't seen any on the list. Anyone here a yuge DDL fan who wants to buy my vote to swing the poll to their preferred title?
Bro. Mohicans and GONY stat, in whatever order depending on your taste preference. The latter is one of the better villains of this century IMO, and a genius performance. Mohicans is more historical epic and his role isn't as meaty but the movie is probably better.
Correct. The last statement is debatable but not the rest. Bill the Butcher is one of the best characters in the history of characters. He's completely unique and somehow, through a miracle of acting, believable.
Exactly. Do you know how brilliant an actor you have to be to make a character as insane as Bill the Butcher seem totally real? This isn't just the best DDL role ever, it may be the best acted character I've ever seen. Period.