What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
When your Chinese Overlords want to play, we can consider the rants about "climate change'.
They give no fucks.
So, like we say, fuck off.
Jinping Joe has said Day One he is entering the Paris Accord. Helps China tremendously and they have half of DC in their pocket. Swalwell is completely compromised by the CCP yet Pelosi has him leading Homeland Security.
What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
What about it? You guys didn’t give a shit about science for over a decade on climate change, that’s going to kill millions, but someone you don’t think is a girl won a race and now it’s time to raise hell?
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
SHANGHAI, June 25 (Reuters) - China has nearly 250 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power now under development, more than the entire coal power capacity of the United States, a new study said on Thursday, casting doubt on the country’s commitments to cutting fossil fuel use.
Beijing has vowed to replace coal with cleaner energy forms, but new coal project approvals have accelerated this year, according to the study by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).
“While much of the world is moving away from coal, China continues to make it a central part of its energy mix,” said Christine Shearer, coal programme director at GEM.
Not sure what ending legal recognition of the two sexes means, but if it's simply making it so that anyone can try out for any team and then just having different levels (like varsity and junior varsity) as necessary, then I can get behind this.
But, I don't see how that can work unless they get rid of Title 9, which probably won't happen.
Hahahahahaha. Looks like biologically born women sports just died. Might as well not have any separation. Let’s just have all sports be coed. True equality!
Hahahahahaha. Looks like biologically born women sports just died. Might as well not have any separation. Let’s just have all sports be coed. True equality!
Hahahahahaha. Looks like biologically born women sports just died. Might as well not have any separation. Let’s just have all sports be coed. True equality!
The actual science, not the anecdotal stories or personal opinion that boys can’t be girls that you think is science, goes both ways.
They give no fucks.
So, like we say, fuck off.
Biden is the CCP’s lackey.
SHANGHAI, June 25 (Reuters) - China has nearly 250 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired power now under development, more than the entire coal power capacity of the United States, a new study said on Thursday, casting doubt on the country’s commitments to cutting fossil fuel use.
Beijing has vowed to replace coal with cleaner energy forms, but new coal project approvals have accelerated this year, according to the study by Global Energy Monitor (GEM) and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).
“While much of the world is moving away from coal, China continues to make it a central part of its energy mix,” said Christine Shearer, coal programme director at GEM.
But, I don't see how that can work unless they get rid of Title 9, which probably won't happen.
IKW but pay your $129 and the Wam will oblige.