Those dumbfucks better have made some disclosures relative to paid promoters. SEC don't play that.
For $250, that companies life just cost them about $200K in legal fees on an SEC investigation. Probably more - @creepycoug cost range to defend against full blown investigation?
Those dumbfucks better have made some disclosures relative to paid promoters. SEC don't play that.
For $250, that companies life just cost them about $200K in legal fees on an SEC investigation. Probably more - @creepycoug cost range to defend against full blown investigation?
Oh shit. If you're in the DOJ's and SEC Enforcement crosshairs, $200k for the firms you're going to want is a warm-up unless you get them to let it go very early in the investigation. And once they decide to reach out, the odds of that are slim. They don't tend to call you and tell you they'd like to meet before they've looked at their case against you for several months.
Few things worse than those guys when they think they've got you. They love to make examples.
For $250, that companies life just cost them about $200K in legal fees on an SEC investigation. Probably more - @creepycoug cost range to defend against full blown investigation?
Few things worse than those guys when they think they've got you. They love to make examples.