You knew when it happened that it was the end of the run. I'm not a huge HAWKS fan but I was in Seattle for their first 30 years or so and developed a dating interest so that sucked. A dynasty run would have been cool
Russ was by and large defended once again this week by all the national talking heads. Everyone else is to blame. So far the teflon is holding
Agree with Gladdy that the team didn't forgive him. See point 1
Agreed with part of this, disagreed on the other. So a NYBE it is.
Still hurts my heart... not even a Hawaiian vacation with 20 dudes in the ocean together could fix this one.
Shitty part is if Russ throws it either on time or well, it still works. Somehow he has escaped blame for this.
It wasn't a bad throw, but the NE player (forgot his name) made a sensational play.
Still, bottom line is he threw a pick.
Malcom Butler got the pick and I remember reading afterwards that New England practiced against that play based on Seattle’s tendency to run it near the goal line.
With the time left on the clock, a timeout, lynch running the ball so effectively, and New England’s defense gassed, I thought it was game over and Seattle would win. I started to walk outside when the play happened.
Fucked play from the start. Wilson had to wait for the receiver to clear the angle that the defensive end was obstructing or it would have been batted down.
Why don't they throw a flag for the pick by the tight end anyways? He blocks his man into the end zone to clear the slant and it's impossible not to see.
happened. To be talking about this, on here,, all these years later. I didn't care when it happened.
I didn't believe it back then but Race is right. It killed that core. Marshmallow Graham came in the next year and Sherman threw hissy fits, Chacellor held out. Earl became a selfish tool, and Bennett turned into a SJW.
There was enough talent to make a run the next two years but they went 10-6 and 10-5-1. If they just run Beast up the middle and win we're talking mini dynasty.
I didn't believe it back then but Race is right. It killed that core. Marshmallow Graham came in the next year and Sherman threw hissy fits, Chacellor held out. Earl became a selfish tool, and Bennett turned into a SJW.
There was enough talent to make a run the next two years but they went 10-6 and 10-5-1. If they just run Beast up the middle and win we're talking mini dynasty.
The Graham trade was a forgotten part. Traded a first round pick and an OL that had some good seasons left for that bum.
With the time left on the clock, a timeout, lynch running the ball so effectively, and New England’s defense gassed, I thought it was game over and Seattle would win. I started to walk outside when the play happened.
Why don't they throw a flag for the pick by the tight end anyways? He blocks his man into the end zone to clear the slant and it's impossible not to see.
happened. To be talking about this, on here,, all these years later. I didn't care when it happened.
There was enough talent to make a run the next two years but they went 10-6 and 10-5-1. If they just run Beast up the middle and win we're talking mini dynasty.