exactly. Trump fucked it all up ... with the backing many of the american people.
now Xi and Putie are laughing their asses off celebrating the dissolution of democracy.
way to go you dummies for placing in power a bum who's only concern is how to make money for himself.
is that what you guys wanted? because this is how it's going ...
better learn mandarin ... it's gonna serve you well.
So are you finally admitting Quid Pro Quo Joe is bought and paid for by the CCP?
Are you a legal hack? Trying to get people to answer your own fractured narrative? Lol, not gonna work.
But I will enlighten you a little, lead you to water and perhaps you'll take a sip.
Biden is just an old guard politician. He's the guy that represents all the bad things that many americans have been fed to hate .. Or learned to distrust ...
But he represented a process that put america first and usually kept the good ol usa at the top of the heap.
But many dummies and cult of personality syncophants put the orange retard into power and this actually tripped up the usa and placed them back a few spaces in the hierarchy.
Most of the free world realized that they couldn't rely on a narcissistic and erratic trump and the American people so they've circled their wagons.
Putin realized that trump is easily manipulated and has played him for a fool. Trump defended putin when his own intelligence people warned him otherwise.
Xi realized that with a power vacuum led by trump that all he had to do is to lay low and let trump do his job for him and fuck over the American people and democracy. Have you seen xi so bold? And under who's administration did all this happen under?
So you mouth breathers cry about biden all you want ... But history will show that xi and putin are playing chess and trump put himself into the game fueled by a moronic American public asking "okay, I can only move one space ... and I can only take a checker if I jump someone right?"
Keep trump on tv, let him grab women by the pussy and pay hush money to porn stars. At least he's not as dangerous to democracy.
But once you fed him the power like a drug addict he wants more and won't let go.
For those that voted for him, that's your fault
Statist Authoritarian communist sympathizers spoken for.
The anti-intellectual, ahistorical, pro-globalist, anti-American sellout advocated in the above post accurately depicts the mindset of the hi-tech sellouts who look the other way at human rights abuses in favor of cheap labor, environmental destruction and genocide against religions that claim a higher plane than the state.
Great work, Manchurian. Your fellow comrades must be proud.
This is what is coming to you with continued compliance with mask mandates and lockdowns. Add to that, no ability to communicate on social media platforms with increased restrictions by the Nazi leadership at big tech companies and at every level of government.
exactly. Trump fucked it all up ... with the backing many of the american people.
now Xi and Putie are laughing their asses off celebrating the dissolution of democracy.
way to go you dummies for placing in power a bum who's only concern is how to make money for himself.
is that what you guys wanted? because this is how it's going ...
better learn mandarin ... it's gonna serve you well.
So are you finally admitting Quid Pro Quo Joe is bought and paid for by the CCP?
Are you a legal hack? Trying to get people to answer your own fractured narrative? Lol, not gonna work.
But I will enlighten you a little, lead you to water and perhaps you'll take a sip.
Biden is just an old guard politician. He's the guy that represents all the bad things that many americans have been fed to hate .. Or learned to distrust ...
But he represented a process that put america first and usually kept the good ol usa at the top of the heap.
But many dummies and cult of personality syncophants put the orange retard into power and this actually tripped up the usa and placed them back a few spaces in the hierarchy.
Most of the free world realized that they couldn't rely on a narcissistic and erratic trump and the American people so they've circled their wagons.
Putin realized that trump is easily manipulated and has played him for a fool. Trump defended putin when his own intelligence people warned him otherwise.
Xi realized that with a power vacuum led by trump that all he had to do is to lay low and let trump do his job for him and fuck over the American people and democracy. Have you seen xi so bold? And under who's administration did all this happen under?
So you mouth breathers cry about biden all you want ... But history will show that xi and putin are playing chess and trump put himself into the game fueled by a moronic American public asking "okay, I can only move one space ... and I can only take a checker if I jump someone right?"
Keep trump on tv, let him grab women by the pussy and pay hush money to porn stars. At least he's not as dangerous to democracy.
But once you fed him the power like a drug addict he wants more and won't let go.
The anti-intellectual, ahistorical, pro-globalist, anti-American sellout advocated in the above post accurately depicts the mindset of the hi-tech sellouts who look the other way at human rights abuses in favor of cheap labor, environmental destruction and genocide against religions that claim a higher plane than the state.
Great work, Manchurian. Your fellow comrades must be proud.
Classic do as I say, not as I do mentality.
Going to bad for big tech too. Hopefully we can crush them financially.