Question for my Tug patriots - is there a theoretical line that Parler could cross that would justify companies cutting ties with them and effectively shutting down their business?
Welp. Twitter still features child porn and is the main comm for leftist groups to coordinate to destroy property and injure/kill those that disagree with their ideologies.
Wouldn’t you consider those lines to be enough for companies, that were truly concerned about Societies well being, to pull the plug?
You won't get an argument from me on that. Twitter cannot possibly censor even a reasonable fraction of the volume that exists on their platform. So to selectively enforce some content while allowing much more heinous content to flow through unfettered is cynical shareholder pandering at its finest.
But my question remains. If you're AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. and you host a large portfolio of websites, is there a line that a specific customer could cross where you discontinue service? Or should they be obligated to allow all traffic, regardless of content?
Only one single line.
If the business is Legal, you host it and bake the fucking cake. If you have concerns the business is engaged in illegal behavior, you bake the fucking cake and report the suspicious activity to authorities.
Fox News and all their hosts will be the next to be banned from twitter forever. Next, woke tv provider companies will stop providing Fox News, OANN, and NewsMax.
Fox News and all their hosts will be the next to be banned from twitter forever. Next, woke tv provider companies will stop providing Fox News, OANN, and NewsMax.
Question for my Tug patriots - is there a theoretical line that Parler could cross that would justify companies cutting ties with them and effectively shutting down their business?
Welp. Twitter still features child porn and is the main comm for leftist groups to coordinate to destroy property and injure/kill those that disagree with their ideologies.
Wouldn’t you consider those lines to be enough for companies, that were truly concerned about Societies well being, to pull the plug?
You won't get an argument from me on that. Twitter cannot possibly censor even a reasonable fraction of the volume that exists on their platform. So to selectively enforce some content while allowing much more heinous content to flow through unfettered is cynical shareholder pandering at its finest.
But my question remains. If you're AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, etc. and you host a large portfolio of websites, is there a line that a specific customer could cross where you discontinue service? Or should they be obligated to allow all traffic, regardless of content?
Child porn and genocide would probably qualify here, but I don’t work at Twitter.
Twitter allows genocide. They peobaly have their own kiddie porn service but you have to be in the cabal to use it and trade kids etc. Maybe they have a buy a kid Amazon too. The left are pedo's ask all the ones here.
Fox News and all their hosts will be the next to be banned from twitter forever. Next, woke tv provider companies will stop providing Fox News, OANN, and NewsMax.