There are a lot of Americans whose frustration has been building for many years. Republicans have had opportunities to fix our healthcare system, reform immigration, and get our fiscal house in order, among many other things. Republicans have had chances to deliver for the American people. But we haven’t followed through.
Republicans got our butts kicked in Georgia on Tuesday. A 33-year-old with no accomplishments and a smooth-talking preacher wiped the floor with us. The idea that Georgia, of all places, could elect two communists to the United States Senate was ridiculous.
Our country has changed. We have failed to educate generations of our children about what makes America unique. Few, if any of them, have been taught the history of our decades-long fight to defeat communism. Meanwhile, the left’s indoctrination takes place every day with kids all across America from the time they walk into a school at age 5 to the time they graduate college at 22.
Republicans have not been disciplined enough to do the hard work. The American people need us to fight for them on a daily basis, not just 30 to 60 days before an election.
Our party has some serious work ahead of us. We are going to have to sit down and collectively answer a very simple question: Why does America need Republicans?
The answer to that is very simple: 2020.
Last year, we saw governments all across the country shut down people’s lives. American citizens could not go to church, run their business, or send their children to school.
COVID didn’t crush the economy. Government crushed the economy. And then, just as quickly, government turned around and held itself out as the savior. Frankly, the Treasury Department can’t print money fast enough to keep up with Congress’ Christmas list.
What is so troubling is that by April, we knew that there was a specific vulnerable population that we needed to protect from COVID-19. But we also knew that the vast majority of people would recover from this virus with no serious difficulty. Despite this, very few changed course.
In 2020, despite the virus, if you wanted to riot, loot, and burn buildings down, the government either stood idly by while you did that, or worse, tacitly encouraged the destruction.
Government didn’t punish the violent criminals. But it did everything it could to punish those Americans who simply tried to defend themselves, their families, their livelihoods, and their property.
What we lived in 2020 is the left’s vision for America.
Attention Leftists:
Unless you're referring to the runway model in Georgia
Its issues which she nailed not by focusing solely on the left but attacking the do nothing GOP for making their own bed
That will appeal
Why aren't the 80 billion world record voters for Biden fan boys?
What do you think of what she said about the GOP. You're probably more of an actual centrist than Mello with a lean to the left
Nothing else matters.
Pay attention, man.
Pork bellies and frozen orange juice.
The marxist/communists/socialist ideology took over our education system during the past 100+ years.
This guy philosophy was to take over the culture (which the educated youth took to overwhelmingly)
The progressive education system which I am sure started out with good intentions is now nothing but woke teaching.
I saw the change in my kids from middle of the road to far left as they progressed through higher education. Actually two really bad, one still middle of the road, and one being influenced by a new GF to a strong lean left
The GOP has indeed failed to deliver on healthcare and fiscal restraint in particular. Those are policy issues the GOP was falling short on well before Trump. But the elephant in the room that Kristi doesn't want to address is that Trump moved the party even further away from actually enacting any sort of meaningful, conservative policy. The last four years were a collosal waste for the GOP precisely because they went all-in on Trump.
I do think the democrats missed a chance early to work with Trump on DACA and big projects
He likes to spend money and be liked. Missed opportunity imo