Has Pelosi told us what the new holidays replacing Mothers Day and Fathers Day are going to be? Are we also moving to a six-day week with the elimination of Sunday?
Has Pelosi told us what the new holidays replacing Mothers Day and Fathers Day are going to be? Are we also moving to a six-day week with the elimination of Sunday?
How is that going to happen when the Dems control the elections and the spineless GOP won't sufficiently fight back?
The Jabberwocky is guaranteed for two years. See also #mytulsi video on the absurdity of disallowing gender-related terms in the House.
The elections are still controlled by the states themselves. As you saw yesterday in Pennsylvania, it's not over for the GOP year at the state level. Dominion isn't a lock for 2022 counting.
Wilner was on the radio with softy saying it’s 50/50 PAC-12 University Presidents extend Larry Scott 3-4 years right now to help them negotiate and get through the upcoming Media package negotiations.
Wilner was on the radio with softy saying it’s 50/50 PAC-12 University Presidents extend Larry Scott 3-4 years right now to help them negotiate and get through the upcoming Media package negotiations.
lol they should burn the program down or sell it like the Democrats going to do to this country
Enjoy the next two years of Jabberwocky.
Husky football and the GOP
Losers losing
Which I think will mean more common sense candidates - but after 2020, it may just be nuttier nutcases.
The elections are still controlled by the states themselves. As you saw yesterday in Pennsylvania, it's not over for the GOP year at the state level. Dominion isn't a lock for 2022 counting.