He understands he has No shit, will never own shit and will never earn a respectable income because trying would be too hard. He just wants to take all your shit from you to make himself feel better about his shitty life choices.
These fuckers planned this thing and did a dress rehearsal 2 weeks before it was released
This event was hosted by World Economic Forum, the authors of the Great Reset.
Now think a bit about how your local government is responding to this bullshit and realize they’re participating in this financial war
Awake yet?
Oh and trump was and is onto these fuckers. Keynote at WEF Davos 2020
Even though he is directly responsible for waging war against the United States with his Convid Emergency Declaration, which he refuses to rescind, as well as waging war on the World by continuing to participate in this scam.
He's the #1 fan of 5g, and Warp Speed Vaccines that will give you AIDS and other diseases.
His Emergency Declaration is what allowed US Governors like the Nazi in Texas to make you wear masks and shut down your businesses.
He's really on to those fuckers at Davos though.
I’ve been shitting on your 5G hate for a few years now and you’ve yet to actually specify what the existential threat is.
It reuses many frequency bands used today, it actually uses them more efficiently at a lower power.
If you’re worried about a surveillance state, they can and have been doing that already and don’t need 5G mobility (ie they’ve got fiber everywhere and internet of things). I’d be more interesting in ending Alexa, Siri, and the device/client level stuff.
If it’s mmWave (28GHz+), that has economically proven to not be practical for nationwide coverage (ie nobody is buying it), and its not being deployed at scale anywhere.
I’ve been redpilled to a degree that you don’t sound as stupid, but the 5G stuff you’ve never actually had the details for how consistent and adamant you’ve been.
I don’t understand how more people don’t see this. They’re trying to crush small business so everything will be owned by big corporations, but everyone keeps playing nice instead of fighting those sleazy motherfuckers.
It goes to a bizarro Global/Corporate Communist model.
It's not the Marxist version though @TheKobeStopper would spring a boner over that. It's this weird hybrid thing - though I believe the CCP are playing the corporatists like the greedy motherfuckers they are with promises of a vast Chinese market, cheap labor and earnings through the roof.
The Chinese are playing the long game and will hang the corporatists right after the useful idiots and centrists.
Please explain in detail this corporate/communist model. Explain how communism is spreading across this country.
I'll explain it to you. I'll type slowly. C H I N A.
I don’t understand how more people don’t see this. They’re trying to crush small business so everything will be owned by big corporations, but everyone keeps playing nice instead of fighting those sleazy motherfuckers.
It goes to a bizarro Global/Corporate Communist model.
It's not the Marxist version though @TheKobeStopper would spring a boner over that. It's this weird hybrid thing - though I believe the CCP are playing the corporatists like the greedy motherfuckers they are with promises of a vast Chinese market, cheap labor and earnings through the roof.
The Chinese are playing the long game and will hang the corporatists right after the useful idiots and centrists.
Please explain in detail this corporate/communist model. Explain how communism is spreading across this country.
I'll explain it to you. I'll type slowly. C H I N A.
Universal income
Right to a house, food etc.
F U C K Y O U' R E D U M B !
China has a totally shattered currency as well, they’d be more than happy to opt into a new model.
When 5G doesn't kill us all, will you call it quits? Just asking. My money is that you are in this for the money. Sad. I'm guessing a couple of other leftards on the Tug are getting paid.
Nope. Nobody is getting paid to post here. If so, it’s the biggest waste of money every. A bunch of middle-aged or older and mostly white dudes post here. Terrible use of money.
When 5G doesn't kill us all, will you call it quits? Just asking. My money is that you are in this for the money. Sad. I'm guessing a couple of other leftards on the Tug are getting paid.
Nope. Nobody is getting paid to post here. If so, it’s the biggest waste of money every. A bunch of middle-aged or older and mostly white dudes post here. Terrible use of money.
What do you think OBK does for a living?
Makes the woman in his well put the lotion on her skin.
I don’t understand how more people don’t see this. They’re trying to crush small business so everything will be owned by big corporations, but everyone keeps playing nice instead of fighting those sleazy motherfuckers.
It goes to a bizarro Global/Corporate Communist model.
It's not the Marxist version though @TheKobeStopper would spring a boner over that. It's this weird hybrid thing - though I believe the CCP are playing the corporatists like the greedy motherfuckers they are with promises of a vast Chinese market, cheap labor and earnings through the roof.
The Chinese are playing the long game and will hang the corporatists right after the useful idiots and centrists.
It’s insane that you are accusing the capitalists of a communist plot, to take over everything, after spending decades crying that corporations should be allowed to do whatever they want. This is your bed.
Me and my generation are not the ones that allowed money into politics, that allowed corporations to be people. Capitalism has infected our government and now our government serves them. It’s not “government bad” it’s capitalism bad.
How this story ends is to be determined and there is a reckoning coming with climate change. We still have a shot with people like AOC around. But you guys are not the heroes of this story, you’re the chumps. The ones that anointed billionaire Donald Trump as the savior from billionaires. When the fuck has anyone ever called him a class traitor? Did he build that wall for ya? Is it the great fucking wall of Mexico down there or is it a chain link fence? He got them tax cuts passed though, didn’t he?
The only problem the establishment has with Donald Trump is that he’s a dick. They don’t care about the fascism. They don’t care if there’s a wall. They certainly don’t give a shit about Roe v Wade. They just want to protect the money and Trump never did a god damn thing to threaten that.
There’s nothing socialist or communist about it. It’s just the inevitable conclusion of capitalism. It had a good run though.
The Wolves and the Sheeple.
You think you're part of a movement, but you're really just a useful idiot, like the supporters of the BLM Brownshirts, who are too stupid and lazy to investigate who really pulls the levers of power. Your 'movement' was created by Spooks at the CIA, and by the same Global Cabal that is pushing the Great Reset.
They are Nazis, and as a self proclaimed member of that movement, so are you.
You've pushed Vaccines relentlessly, so go fuck yourself, roll up your sleeve, and let Bill Gates inject you with the poison that will change your DNA. You're more of a Trump supporter than many Trump supporters in this regard, so hit the Warp Speed Button on yourself and your family.
The "Climate Change" scam is another lie they push to indoctrinate you into accepting their NWO, and the draconian measures they will to take to enslave and then kill you. That you don't realize you are a pawn in their game makes you even more pathetic, and an object deserving of ridicule and scorn. Whenever Nazis and Marxists take over a Nation, the first people they kill are people like you - those that pushed their agenda during the takeover and got them into power. This is a well documented historical fact.
These fuckers planned this thing and did a dress rehearsal 2 weeks before it was released
This event was hosted by World Economic Forum, the authors of the Great Reset.
Now think a bit about how your local government is responding to this bullshit and realize they’re participating in this financial war
Awake yet?
Oh and trump was and is onto these fuckers. Keynote at WEF Davos 2020
Even though he is directly responsible for waging war against the United States with his Convid Emergency Declaration, which he refuses to rescind, as well as waging war on the World by continuing to participate in this scam.
He's the #1 fan of 5g, and Warp Speed Vaccines that will give you AIDS and other diseases.
His Emergency Declaration is what allowed US Governors like the Nazi in Texas to make you wear masks and shut down your businesses.
He's really on to those fuckers at Davos though.
I’ve been shitting on your 5G hate for a few years now and you’ve yet to actually specify what the existential threat is.
It reuses many frequency bands used today, it actually uses them more efficiently at a lower power.
If you’re worried about a surveillance state, they can and have been doing that already and don’t need 5G mobility (ie they’ve got fiber everywhere and internet of things). I’d be more interesting in ending Alexa, Siri, and the device/client level stuff.
If it’s mmWave (28GHz+), that has economically proven to not be practical for nationwide coverage (ie nobody is buying it), and its not being deployed at scale anywhere.
I’ve been redpilled to a degree that you don’t sound as stupid, but the 5G stuff you’ve never actually had the details for how consistent and adamant you’ve been.
I've provided several heavily censored studies, reports and videos on 5g, from doctors and scientists, on how it causes the symptoms blamed on Convid, including the 60 GHZ "I can't breathe" Oxygen Destroyer Frequency, proof that 5g was on the Cruise Ships where people were killed, as well as quotes from scum like Michael Kratsios from the US DOD.
"5G networks — and the technologies that will be built upon them — are an integral component of the National Defense Strategy," said Michael Kratsios, from the Pentagon. "We at the DOD are committed to the advancement of this critical emerging technology to improve the lethality and modernization of our force."
"The objective of this effort is to develop a test-bed for use of 5G technologies to aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality while enhancing command and control (C2) survivability."
As well as matching the locations of the 5g rollout to Convid "breakouts."
You're at least a year behind, if not more. On everything.
I think mostly what that means is that GOP presidents in the 21st century invariably leave the economy in a shambles, so reboot (reset, rebuild, whatever your slogan is). What's the conspiracy?
I think mostly what that means is that GOP presidents in the 21st century invariably leave the economy in a shambles, so reboot (reset, rebuild, whatever your slogan is). What's the conspiracy?
People like you and Kobe are just as dumb as the Trump Cultists who believe his every move is a stroke of genius on a 4d Chessboard.
Partisan Monkeys will always stay mired in the domestic squabbles of their respective nations, and are completely useless in a Battle that needs to be waged at the International Level.
I think mostly what that means is that GOP presidents in the 21st century invariably leave the economy in a shambles, so reboot (reset, rebuild, whatever your slogan is). What's the conspiracy?
So Blue states crushing their small business owners and employees is a part of this economic “reboot?”
Tell me how that works, if you can. Closed up shops helps “reboot” the economy ... how?
I think mostly what that means is that GOP presidents in the 21st century invariably leave the economy in a shambles, so reboot (reset, rebuild, whatever your slogan is). What's the conspiracy?
So Blue states crushing their small business owners and employees is a part of this economic “reboot?”
Tell me how that works, if you can. Closed up shops helps “reboot” the economy ... how?
I think there were a lot of fuck ups. Initially too much closed down. But the fact is that at this burn rate 1,000,000 would die of Covid, so some things need to close. Not everything. Anyway, Biden didn't close anything. Trump completely fucked up by spreading disinformation about how deadly the disease was.
Sure. There is Trump and talk radio and 3 or 4 guys on Fox. That's it on the right. On the left we have the entire popular culture, the MSM, and democrats. For those under 60, the chicom crud isn't any deadlier that the flu and for those under 30 it is much less deadly. You have been told this about a hundred times, but for some reason Trump hasn't convinced you that hiding in your basement isn't necessary. Trump shut down Chicom travel to the US while Biden said that this was unnecessary and bigoted and yet Trump phucked up. Trump didn't stuff vid cases into nursing homes. Your team blue did that. You are correct, initially your team shut down too much. Why is my gym closed today? Not one case of the chicom crud reported there EVER. But destroying the best US economy in decades isn't a voting issue for leftards like AOG. Just a bit too much, but Trump said something. Trump's been a lot more accurate about this than lying Fowchee.
These fuckers planned this thing and did a dress rehearsal 2 weeks before it was released
This event was hosted by World Economic Forum, the authors of the Great Reset.
Now think a bit about how your local government is responding to this bullshit and realize they’re participating in this financial war
Awake yet?
Oh and trump was and is onto these fuckers. Keynote at WEF Davos 2020
Even though he is directly responsible for waging war against the United States with his Convid Emergency Declaration, which he refuses to rescind, as well as waging war on the World by continuing to participate in this scam.
He's the #1 fan of 5g, and Warp Speed Vaccines that will give you AIDS and other diseases.
His Emergency Declaration is what allowed US Governors like the Nazi in Texas to make you wear masks and shut down your businesses.
He's really on to those fuckers at Davos though.
I’ve been shitting on your 5G hate for a few years now and you’ve yet to actually specify what the existential threat is.
It reuses many frequency bands used today, it actually uses them more efficiently at a lower power.
If you’re worried about a surveillance state, they can and have been doing that already and don’t need 5G mobility (ie they’ve got fiber everywhere and internet of things). I’d be more interesting in ending Alexa, Siri, and the device/client level stuff.
If it’s mmWave (28GHz+), that has economically proven to not be practical for nationwide coverage (ie nobody is buying it), and its not being deployed at scale anywhere.
I’ve been redpilled to a degree that you don’t sound as stupid, but the 5G stuff you’ve never actually had the details for how consistent and adamant you’ve been.
I've provided several heavily censored studies, reports and videos on 5g, from doctors and scientists, on how it causes the symptoms blamed on Convid, including the 60 GHZ "I can't breathe" Oxygen Destroyer Frequency, proof that 5g was on the Cruise Ships where people were killed, as well as quotes from scum like Michael Kratsios from the US DOD.
"5G networks — and the technologies that will be built upon them — are an integral component of the National Defense Strategy," said Michael Kratsios, from the Pentagon. "We at the DOD are committed to the advancement of this critical emerging technology to improve the lethality and modernization of our force."
"The objective of this effort is to develop a test-bed for use of 5G technologies to aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality while enhancing command and control (C2) survivability."
As well as matching the locations of the 5g rollout to Convid "breakouts."
You're at least a year behind, if not more. On everything.
Yeah if this is all your evidence, I’ve already looked at it. you really don’t understand radio science. It’s ok.
5G isn’t going over 37Ghz yet, and the backbone of 5G will be sub7GHz which has been used for a long time and is only being repurposed from satellite comms to 5G. Some of the worst covid hit nations (eg Iran) won’t sniff 5G for god knows low long. Same with India etc.
There’s a lot of weird shit in the world, it would make more sense to talk about the Rothschilds than 3GPP release 17.
I think mostly what that means is that GOP presidents in the 21st century invariably leave the economy in a shambles, so reboot (reset, rebuild, whatever your slogan is). What's the conspiracy?
So Blue states crushing their small business owners and employees is a part of this economic “reboot?”
Tell me how that works, if you can. Closed up shops helps “reboot” the economy ... how?
I think there were a lot of fuck ups. Initially too much closed down. But the fact is that at this burn rate 1,000,000 would die of Covid, so some things need to close. Not everything. Anyway, Biden didn't close anything. Trump completely fucked up by spreading disinformation about how deadly the disease was.
So Trump spread disinformation that it was deadlier than we are seeing?
These fuckers planned this thing and did a dress rehearsal 2 weeks before it was released
This event was hosted by World Economic Forum, the authors of the Great Reset.
Now think a bit about how your local government is responding to this bullshit and realize they’re participating in this financial war
Awake yet?
Oh and trump was and is onto these fuckers. Keynote at WEF Davos 2020
Even though he is directly responsible for waging war against the United States with his Convid Emergency Declaration, which he refuses to rescind, as well as waging war on the World by continuing to participate in this scam.
He's the #1 fan of 5g, and Warp Speed Vaccines that will give you AIDS and other diseases.
His Emergency Declaration is what allowed US Governors like the Nazi in Texas to make you wear masks and shut down your businesses.
He's really on to those fuckers at Davos though.
I’ve been shitting on your 5G hate for a few years now and you’ve yet to actually specify what the existential threat is.
It reuses many frequency bands used today, it actually uses them more efficiently at a lower power.
If you’re worried about a surveillance state, they can and have been doing that already and don’t need 5G mobility (ie they’ve got fiber everywhere and internet of things). I’d be more interesting in ending Alexa, Siri, and the device/client level stuff.
If it’s mmWave (28GHz+), that has economically proven to not be practical for nationwide coverage (ie nobody is buying it), and its not being deployed at scale anywhere.
I’ve been redpilled to a degree that you don’t sound as stupid, but the 5G stuff you’ve never actually had the details for how consistent and adamant you’ve been.
I've provided several heavily censored studies, reports and videos on 5g, from doctors and scientists, on how it causes the symptoms blamed on Convid, including the 60 GHZ "I can't breathe" Oxygen Destroyer Frequency, proof that 5g was on the Cruise Ships where people were killed, as well as quotes from scum like Michael Kratsios from the US DOD.
"5G networks — and the technologies that will be built upon them — are an integral component of the National Defense Strategy," said Michael Kratsios, from the Pentagon. "We at the DOD are committed to the advancement of this critical emerging technology to improve the lethality and modernization of our force."
"The objective of this effort is to develop a test-bed for use of 5G technologies to aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality while enhancing command and control (C2) survivability."
As well as matching the locations of the 5g rollout to Convid "breakouts."
You're at least a year behind, if not more. On everything.
Yeah if this is all your evidence, I’ve already looked at it. you really don’t understand radio science. It’s ok.
5G isn’t going over 37Ghz yet, and the backbone of 5G will be sub7GHz which has been used for a long time and is only being repurposed from satellite comms to 5G. Some of the worst covid hit nations (eg Iran) won’t sniff 5G for god knows low long. Same with India etc.
There’s a lot of weird shit in the world, it would make more sense to talk about the Rothschilds than 3GPP release 17.
60 GHZ 5g was used to murder the people on the Cruise Ships in order to lend credence to the narrative that Convid 1984 is real and lethal. Real, dead bodies, not fake videos from China, were needed to kickstart their terror campaign in order to lockdown the United States and destroy its Economy. The technology you are aware of today was developed several decades ago, if not half a century ago or more. The technology they possess today in secret, people won't learn about for half a century or more in the future, if the World still exists at that tim.
Convid is an International Conspiracy run by a Satanic Cult, with a system of control that transcends borders and Continents. This Cult has been in control for millennia, and have numerous branches in every Nation, including the Free Masons in the United States.
They used 5g on the ships and in various nations to infect people with symptoms that resembled a virus, and called it COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination ID). Covid was a pre-planned Agenda, and there are other "Virus Agendas" waiting in the wings, with specific names, to be rolled out from 2021 to 2025 and beyond. The intention is to kill billions and enslave the World.
Iran didn't need 5g to participate in the Scam. Once the narrative caught on around the World, it was easy to fake the numbers, like they are doing everywhere. And if they didn't participate, there would be repercussions. The Mullahs would be removed. In addition to this, there will always be incentive for autocrats to exert more control over their populations.
When they need to produce actual bodies, Nations can simply hit the switch and use 5g to fry their targets, infecting them with symptoms that resemble "Convid." They can also turn up the power and create a more lethal form of Convid using 5g as the weapon. The Vaccines will interact with 5g as well. They can also perform remote assassinations using 5g without being detected.
Too organized. Either crazy as a mofo or getting paid. LInk that cruise ships are running 5g?
"[I]ncluding the Free Masons in the United States." Anyone know any Free Masons? My Swedish Uncles in Minnesota were Free Masons. They are all dead. None of my cousins are Free Masons. So, if we don't have billions killed by 2025 will you go away. Not discounting a nuclear war with China which is now more problematic with Bought and Paid for Slo Joe.
Too organized. Either crazy as a mofo or getting paid. LInk that cruise ships are running 5g?
"[I]ncluding the Free Masons in the United States." Anyone know any Free Masons? My Swedish Uncles in Minnesota were Free Masons. They are all dead. None of my cousins are Free Masons. So, if we don't have billions killed by 2025 will you go away. Not discounting a nuclear war with China which is now more problematic with Bought and Paid for Slo Joe.
Can't have a link when I was watching live and in passing buttfucker. Go to HH.COM, find the link in MY SEPTEMBER CHINS and find the bitch yourself. Want me to hold your fucking hand the rest of your life? Break free Duck, there's a wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips.
I don’t understand how more people don’t see this. They’re trying to crush small business so everything will be owned by big corporations, but everyone keeps playing nice instead of fighting those sleazy motherfuckers.
It goes to a bizarro Global/Corporate Communist model.
It's not the Marxist version though @TheKobeStopper would spring a boner over that. It's this weird hybrid thing - though I believe the CCP are playing the corporatists like the greedy motherfuckers they are with promises of a vast Chinese market, cheap labor and earnings through the roof.
The Chinese are playing the long game and will hang the corporatists right after the useful idiots and centrists.
It’s insane that you are accusing the capitalists of a communist plot, to take over everything, after spending decades crying that corporations should be allowed to do whatever they want. This is your bed.
Me and my generation are not the ones that allowed money into politics, that allowed corporations to be people. Capitalism has infected our government and now our government serves them. It’s not “government bad” it’s capitalism bad.
How this story ends is to be determined and there is a reckoning coming with climate change. We still have a shot with people like AOC around. But you guys are not the heroes of this story, you’re the chumps. The ones that anointed billionaire Donald Trump as the savior from billionaires. When the fuck has anyone ever called him a class traitor? Did he build that wall for ya? Is it the great fucking wall of Mexico down there or is it a chain link fence? He got them tax cuts passed though, didn’t he?
The only problem the establishment has with Donald Trump is that he’s a dick. They don’t care about the fascism. They don’t care if there’s a wall. They certainly don’t give a shit about Roe v Wade. They just want to protect the money and Trump never did a god damn thing to threaten that.
There’s nothing socialist or communist about it. It’s just the inevitable conclusion of capitalism. It had a good run though.
What are you like 19 years old? You have a lot to learn, pal.
Universal income
Right to a house, food etc.
F U C K Y O U' R E D U M B !
2,3, and 5-8 are all under way
You think you're part of a movement, but you're really just a useful idiot, like the supporters of the BLM Brownshirts, who are too stupid and lazy to investigate who really pulls the levers of power. Your 'movement' was created by Spooks at the CIA, and by the same Global Cabal that is pushing the Great Reset.
They are Nazis, and as a self proclaimed member of that movement, so are you.
You've pushed Vaccines relentlessly, so go fuck yourself, roll up your sleeve, and let Bill Gates inject you with the poison that will change your DNA. You're more of a Trump supporter than many Trump supporters in this regard, so hit the Warp Speed Button on yourself and your family.
The "Climate Change" scam is another lie they push to indoctrinate you into accepting their NWO, and the draconian measures they will to take to enslave and then kill you. That you don't realize you are a pawn in their game makes you even more pathetic, and an object deserving of ridicule and scorn. Whenever Nazis and Marxists take over a Nation, the first people they kill are people like you - those that pushed their agenda during the takeover and got them into power. This is a well documented historical fact.
"5G networks — and the technologies that will be built upon them — are an integral
component of the National Defense Strategy," said Michael Kratsios, from the
Pentagon. "We at the DOD are committed to the advancement of this critical emerging
technology to improve the lethality and modernization of our
"The objective of this effort is to develop a test-bed for use of 5G technologies to
aid in Air, Space, and Cyberspace lethality while enhancing command and control
(C2) survivability."
As well as matching the locations of the 5g rollout to Convid "breakouts."
You're at least a year behind, if not more. On everything.
Try to keep up.
Partisan Monkeys will always stay mired in the domestic squabbles of their respective nations, and are completely useless in a Battle that needs to be waged at the International Level.
Tell me how that works, if you can. Closed up shops helps “reboot” the economy ... how?
5G isn’t going over 37Ghz yet, and the backbone of 5G will be sub7GHz which has been used for a long time and is only being repurposed from satellite comms to 5G. Some of the worst covid hit nations (eg Iran) won’t sniff 5G for god knows low long. Same with India etc.
There’s a lot of weird shit in the world, it would make more sense to talk about the Rothschilds than 3GPP release 17.
Convid is an International Conspiracy run by a Satanic Cult, with a system of control that transcends borders and Continents. This Cult has been in control for millennia, and have numerous branches in every Nation, including the Free Masons in the United States.
They used 5g on the ships and in various nations to infect people with symptoms that resembled a virus, and called it COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination ID). Covid was a pre-planned Agenda, and there are other "Virus Agendas" waiting in the wings, with specific names, to be rolled out from 2021 to 2025 and beyond. The intention is to kill billions and enslave the World.
Iran didn't need 5g to participate in the Scam. Once the narrative caught on around the World, it was easy to fake the numbers, like they are doing everywhere. And if they didn't participate, there would be repercussions. The Mullahs would be removed. In addition to this, there will always be incentive for autocrats to exert more control over their populations.
When they need to produce actual bodies, Nations can simply hit the switch and use 5g to fry their targets, infecting them with symptoms that resemble "Convid." They can also turn up the power and create a more lethal form of Convid using 5g as the weapon. The Vaccines will interact with 5g as well. They can also perform remote assassinations using 5g without being detected.
"[I]ncluding the Free Masons in the United States." Anyone know any Free Masons? My Swedish Uncles in Minnesota were Free Masons. They are all dead. None of my cousins are Free Masons. So, if we don't have billions killed by 2025 will you go away. Not discounting a nuclear war with China which is now more problematic with Bought and Paid for Slo Joe.