Alec Baldwin throws tantrums about getting asked to turn off his phone on an airplane. The guy has obvious anger issues. He was a good person to portray Trump because they are similar personality wise.
Imagine giving a shit about this and wanting Hilaria Baldwin to apologize. She’s not semi famous for any upbringing or accomplishment. She married a rich and famous older guy. That’s the only reason anyone knows who she is.
I don't want her to apologize. I think it's great. If Bruce Jenner can claim he is a woman this broad should be able to claim she is from Spain.
Imagine giving a shit about this and wanting Hilaria Baldwin to apologize. She’s not semi famous for any upbringing or accomplishment. She married a rich and famous older guy. That’s the only reason anyone knows who she is.
I honestly had no idea who she was until this how you say cucumber moment.
Imagine giving a shit about this and wanting Hilaria Baldwin to apologize. She’s not semi famous for any upbringing or accomplishment. She married a rich and famous older guy. That’s the only reason anyone knows who she is.
I don't want her to apologize. I think it's great. If Bruce Jenner can claim he is a woman this broad should be able to claim she is from Spain.
Wasn’t referencing you or anyone in this thread. Just read a few articles online about it and the lady is annoying and nobody should care about her.