4-13-2021 My last post for the list of states and it was hard to find a musician from Wyoming.
Actually, it is hard to find people from Wyoming, do we know if people live there the entire year? maybe in Yellowstone...I got chased by a moose driving from Sheridan through Shell Canyon on the way to Cody. Don't recall seeing any people until Cody though.
Well I was movin' down the road in my V8 Ford I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed Nobody give me trouble 'cause they know I got it made
Well I was movin' down the road in my V8 Ford I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed Nobody give me trouble 'cause they know I got it made
Well I was movin' down the road in my V8 Ford I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed Nobody give me trouble 'cause they know I got it made
lso here I am at 11PM on the wrong day for posting this as I just poasted today's song. I have been listening to all sorts of music, have ;\been drinking (I FERMKING OOBZE) a ton tonight. this is taking a lot of time and thank autocorrect.d whew -so whitener I an trying to say is that 12 years ago I moved over to her coast kind of and the o0nly music I could get out here was countered music. Ps I thin auto correct is goofing me ou here. I am oh duck it . ok back to work I meant music. this kind go music is frowning on by many her but this is what I liked over top 40 cral .
Actually, it is hard to find people from Wyoming, do we know if people live there the entire year? maybe in Yellowstone...I got chased by a moose driving from Sheridan through Shell Canyon on the way to Cody. Don't recall seeing any people until Cody though.
I bring to you Moondog
ah, college. Well, grad school - close enough
I had a shine on my boots, I had my sideburns lowered
With my New York brim and my gold tooth displayed
Nobody give me trouble 'cause they know I got it made
FERMKING OOBZE) a ton tonight. this is taking a lot of time and thank autocorrect.d whew -so whitener I an trying to say is that 12 years ago I moved over to her coast kind of and the o0nly music I could get out here was countered music. Ps I thin auto correct is goofing me ou here. I am oh duck it . ok back to work I meant music. this kind go music is frowning on by many her but this is what I liked over top 40 cral .
plays shie is kind of hot.
she might not be traditional country music all Ken Burns ]- but what the hell I like her and she had nice titles.
plus she - oh to hell with it.
thi is pretty6 good
this one might me better - so make the this a concert of the day - I think she is hotter that nsdhell
and the best cover ever