There's better videos of D'Souza out there pile-driving dumb Libs. A great one is where a young college lad is running his mouth about privilege and oppression, so D'Souza says, "Why are you here then? Why don't you surrender your privilege to some struggling poor person to take your place at this college while you go out and fix our broken society?"
Great Question. Fucking Beautiful. Of course the young man just shook his head and walked off.
Her one shot in life to interact with someone significant and all she could do is read some pre-programmed mantra probably written by a whole flock of witty wokes
Her one shot in life to interact with someone significant and all she could do is read some pre-programmed mantra probably written by a whole flock of witty wokes
It's bad to be a unique individual in that demo these days. Tribalism runs everything, especially on college campuses.
Great Question. Fucking Beautiful. Of course the young man just shook his head and walked off.