Speaking of bonus Talib Kweli, he's done several songs like this that have beats that are just impossible to not bob your head to. A couple bonus favorites:
I was kind of late to the game with The Roots, but I used to have an awesome set of Shure e2c in-ear monitors that I'd wear while motorcycle riding. I used to have a playlist of The Roots songs that would last exactly a 20 minute track session, and I'd play that while trying to put down fast laps. Try not to go faster on a bike while something like this is in your ear:
Alright, I'm going to put this one on here even though it's not really a song. At only a minute long, it's more like an exhibition. But I can't think of anything that embodies the Wu-Tang sound more than this. Also, RZA is an underrated emcee:
I only learned of this song's existence in the last year even though it came out in 2006 or something. Maybe it's just recency bias (for me), but--unfortunate homophobic lyrics aside (sadly, a staple of much of my favorite hip hop)--this may be the best hip hop song ever recorded:
I've only gotten back into listen to hip hop again in the last couple of years, being able to hide in the shop with no kids and listen to whatever I want. Run The Jewels may just have been the catalyst for that walk down memory lane, and I still think their first hit is their best:
I think I'm up to about 16 or 17 now, but I'll end it early with this one... Lil Dicky's Ex Boyfriend is funny as hell, but the surprising thing is the dude can actually flow pretty well. This one's my favorite:
Speaking of bonus Talib Kweli, he's done several songs like this that have beats that are just impossible to not bob your head to. A couple bonus favorites:
I've played this 10 times in a row. I may be insane...