jake, it is fucking beyond me this sudden media love-fest with colorado who got face fucked at home by a team we? somehow beat.
the pac 12 sucks, the pac 12 south really really really really fucking sucks but now we're supposed to let the p12 south second place team into the pac12 ship cause 'theyre ranked higher?'
ok, going forward, have the two top teams play in the conference championship, best of luck south.
jake, it is fucking beyond me this sudden media love-fest with colorado who got face fucked at home by a team we? somehow beat.
the pac 12 sucks, the pac 12 south really really really really fucking sucks but now we're supposed to let the p12 south second place team into the pac12 ship cause 'theyre ranked higher?'
ok, going forward, have the two top teams play in the conference championship, best of luck south.
Started at Idaho....they were decent then I believe he hired Cable when Tormey left....Colorado (remember he hired Embry)....etc
the pac 12 sucks, the pac 12 south really really really really fucking sucks but now we're supposed to let the p12 south second place team into the pac12 ship cause 'theyre ranked higher?'
ok, going forward, have the two top teams play in the conference championship, best of luck south.
NOGAF about Colorado