The following Flag that reflects your true reality:
US Presidents are descended from King John of England and are related. Clinton is related to Reagan, who was related to both Bushes and Obama. Elections are Selections.
Ignorant one dimensional sheep on both sides of the false left right paradigm will be the first on the cattle cars to the Covid 1984 "Quarantine Camps." You will be culled like the millions of CV-1984 'infected' minks slaughtered in Denmark.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
Still waiting on the list of Trump fascist activities.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
The proof is there it has been pointed out now it needs to be subpoenaed or an order to allow inspection. I think that's how civil law is supposed to work. You think they allow them to look at all the evidence and then go to a judge. But you're fucking daft.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
The proof is there it has been pointed out now it needs to be subpoenaed or an order to allow inspection. I think that's how civil law is supposed to work. You think they allow them to look at all the evidence and then go to a judge. But you're fucking daft.
Right, and Bob Dole defeated Clinton. It was all fraud!
Just because you dumbfucks claim something does not make it true
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Then it should be super easy to list the fascist actions.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Fucking pathetic. God what a fucking lightweight. Trump is a fascist but you're just too big a Kunt cite any examples of him being a fascist.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
You're right, for the wrong reason.
It's the left and the establishment elites that hate the will of the people and actual liberty.
Why do you actually think they are so dead-set on coming for your guns? They play the "its for the kids" card. It's actually about control and their own safety from the fed-up masses.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
You're right, for the wrong reason.
It's the left and the establishment elites that hate the will of the people and actual liberty.
Why do you actually think they are so dead-set on coming for your guns? They play the "its for the kids" card. It's actually about control and their own safety from the fed-up masses.
Orwellian re-defining of terms.This is all so predictable. Trump who is actually in FAVOR of individual liberty and local decision-making over federalism is cast as mean orange man fascist.
Which is why they can't come up with any examples of fascism.
BTW, if 'they' gave a fuck about the 'it's for the kids' angle, they'd have them back in school yesterday.
I find it so amuzing how the libtards don't believe history from just 160 years ago can't happen again. If it didn't happen yesterday, it never happened. I don't think it will happen like many imagine though.
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Fascism also includes a strongly government regimented society and economy. Can you provide the examples of those that are more extreme than Obamas policies and whatever Biden is proposing?
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Then it should be super easy to list the fascist actions.
Go ahead.
OK, fascist like the "big lie" -- they claim something is true which is obviously false and verifiable. But they keep repeating it, wearing people down, until people stupid like Trumptards believe it.
Trump has been claiming for weeks that Georgia does not verify signatures. But a quick of the facts reveals:
"... not only is it entirely possible to match signatures, but that the state requires it.
When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.
When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system." AP News
fasc•ism făsh′ĭz″əm► n. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Definition of fascism 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge
damn I could go get more definitions - but the bolded text defines our Government as is
Race card is covered, suppression of opposing points of view, government restrictions. Where is the right-wing comment - I don't want to use your dictionary
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Then it should be super easy to list the fascist actions.
Go ahead.
OK, fascist like the "big lie" -- they claim something is true which is obviously false and verifiable. But they keep repeating it, wearing people down, until people stupid like Trumptards believe it.
Trump has been claiming for weeks that Georgia does not verify signatures. But a quick of the facts reveals:
"... not only is it entirely possible to match signatures, but that the state requires it.
When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.
When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system." AP News
So you have no incidents where Trump unleashed the Brown Shirts or centralized a government economy or imposed social regimentation?
What you should do is study the Spanish Civil War. That's where we're headed if this keeps up. For the record I'm a more or less ordinary American politically. You Trumptards don't have a grasp on reality, so if we aren't into your fascist/nationalism we're commies.
If you're into election theft and rigging to further China's interest and control you're a fucking commie. HTH
There was no election rigging other than 80,000,000 people "rigging" the vote for Biden.
Don't deflect - put forth the list of Trump's fascist activities.
Man, I don't want to devote brain cycles to what is obvious... just read the definition for fascism and then compare it to 4 years of news. It is defined as a far right authoritarian nationalism. Trump is far right authoritarian nationalist.
Then it should be super easy to list the fascist actions.
Go ahead.
OK, fascist like the "big lie" -- they claim something is true which is obviously false and verifiable. But they keep repeating it, wearing people down, until people stupid like Trumptards believe it.
Trump has been claiming for weeks that Georgia does not verify signatures. But a quick of the facts reveals:
"... not only is it entirely possible to match signatures, but that the state requires it.
When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.
When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system." AP News
So you have no incidents where Trump unleashed the Brown Shirts or centralized a government economy or imposed social regimentation?
Like "racism" leftists have now changed the definition of the word "fascist" to mean any thing that makes their kunt hurt.
God Save the Trumptards!!!
The following Flag that reflects your true reality:
US Presidents are descended from King John of England and are related. Clinton is related to Reagan, who was related to both Bushes and Obama. Elections are Selections.
Ignorant one dimensional sheep on both sides of the false left right paradigm will be the first on the cattle cars to the Covid 1984 "Quarantine Camps." You will be culled like the millions of CV-1984 'infected' minks slaughtered in Denmark.
Just because you dumbfucks claim something does not make it true
Go ahead.
It's the left and the establishment elites that hate the will of the people and actual liberty.
Why do you actually think they are so dead-set on coming for your guns? They play the "its for the kids" card. It's actually about control and their own safety from the fed-up masses.
Which is why they can't come up with any examples of fascism.
BTW, if 'they' gave a fuck about the 'it's for the kids' angle, they'd have them back in school yesterday.
Trump has been claiming for weeks that Georgia does not verify signatures. But a quick of the facts reveals:
"... not only is it entirely possible to match signatures, but that the state requires it.
When a voter requests an absentee ballot on a paper application, he or she must sign it. Election officials compare that signature to the signature in voter registration files before a ballot is sent to the voter, Raffensperger said.
When those ballots are returned, the required signature on the outer envelope is compared to signatures in the voter registration system." AP News
n. A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
Definition of fascism
1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality
— J. W. Aldridge
damn I could go get more definitions - but the bolded text defines our Government as is
Race card is covered, suppression of opposing points of view, government restrictions. Where is the right-wing comment - I don't want to use your dictionary