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  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    Yes, investigations take time.
  • insinceredawginsinceredawg Member Posts: 5,117

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,837 Standard Supporter
    edited December 2020
    Can anyone imagine the outrage and media coverage if a Democrat poll watcher was threatened and barred from doing their job by a majority Republican election committee? Imagine if ballots showed up in the middle of the night with a statistically impossible 99% going for Biden and those ballots were only handled by democrats because they had either sent home the Republican poll watchers or barred them from the facility? Never in our modern history has a batch of military ballots been received that went almost 100% for a democrat especially one like Biden who put many in harms way for 8 years and then did such a horrendously shitty job with the VA.

    I am not a conspiracy believer. If I don't see serious proof that a million votes were fraudulently cast, enough to sway the election, I will accept the fact that the left put a completely corrupt and horrible human being in office. Arguably the least intellectual and dumbest President ever to hold the office. It is hard to believe but I will accept it.

    However, when I see assholes like this insincere and the media ignore eyewitness accounts of fraud at numerous levels (again, probably not enough to sway the election) and attempt to sweep it under the rug I get pissed off. We need to clean that shit up. No more ballots by mail unless one has gone through the absentee request process. No more kicking one side of the aisle out of the polling facilities. Americans have to have some level of faith in our system and right now a majority of this country has very little confidence. The accounts of the left cheating are too many to not be investigated. I say take as long as we can to fix this shit. We know once biden takes over any investigation into these problems will be stopped immediately.

  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
    There is plenty of evidence. Real Americans putting their names behind it, too, and making themselves targets of unhinged mouthbreathers on the Left like yourself. What’s your point in starting this thread? You retards spent three years chasing Russian ghosts and now you expect Trump supporters to just let you steal the election?

    I remember when the Left wanted everything Trump-related investigated regarding the 2016 election. Stop whining, it’s not going to end. Over half the country knows that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president. You guys cheated in four cities, got caught, and are hoping your media and courts allow the blatant election fraud to stand.
  • MelloDawgMelloDawg Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 6,520 Swaye's Wigwam
    edited December 2020

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
    There is plenty of evidence. Real Americans putting their names behind it, too, and making themselves targets of unhinged mouthbreathers on the Left like yourself. What’s your point in starting this thread? You retards spent three years chasing Russian ghosts and now you expect Trump supporters to just let you steal the election?

    I remember when the Left wanted everything Trump-related investigated regarding the 2016 election. Stop whining, it’s not going to end. Over half the country knows that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president. You guys cheated in four cities got caught, and are hoping your media and courts allow the blatant election fraud to stand.
    *Citation needed*

    Half the country? There are 328 million people in the US. 160 million think Biden cheated? Probably not. I mean hey, I’m sure Rasmussen will show something that looks like the statistics you claim.

    As for being lots of evidence, still can’t wait for it to be argued in court and not dismissed with prejudice. Just saying it does not make it so. Again, I do get why you’re saying these sorts of things, so I shouldn’t judge the way you’re dealing with it.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
    Got to love how the lying fucking moron who swallowed whole the entire Russian collusion fraud along with the Steele Dossier is now calling for evidence. Fuck off.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    MelloDawg said:

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
    There is plenty of evidence. Real Americans putting their names behind it, too, and making themselves targets of unhinged mouthbreathers on the Left like yourself. What’s your point in starting this thread? You retards spent three years chasing Russian ghosts and now you expect Trump supporters to just let you steal the election?

    I remember when the Left wanted everything Trump-related investigated regarding the 2016 election. Stop whining, it’s not going to end. Over half the country knows that Joe Biden is not a legitimate president. You guys cheated in four cities got caught, and are hoping your media and courts allow the blatant election fraud to stand.
    *Citation needed*

    Half the country? There are 328 million people in the US. 160 million think Biden cheated? Probably not. I mean hey, I’m sure Rasmussen will show something that looks like the statistics you claim.

    As for being lots of evidence, still can’t wait for it to be argued in court and not dismissed with prejudice. Just saying it does not make it so. Again, I do get why you’re saying these sorts of things, so I shouldn’t judge the way you’re dealing with it.
    It’s not my job to watch hearings for you. Perhaps all of these people are lying, but it seems like a shitty trade off to put one’s name out there in a social environment where you on the Left physically attack political opponents and try to get them fired from jobs and shunned from larger society.

    @HHusky says he’s all-good with cancel and shun lists, so you’re in great company.
  • HairyBallsDawgHairyBallsDawg Member Posts: 1,030

    the media ignore eyewitness accounts of fraud at numerous levels

    And yet with DOJ, FBI have been following up all of the credible complaints and found nothing.

    Sounds like some butthurt Drump Tards are just making shit up, or they are confused about how to watch a poll -- many of them never even showed up for the poll watching training course you are supposed to attend prior to watching a poll, or were outraged that they weren't allowed to take their guns inside with them.

    All of you Drump Tards that believe and spread any of this conspiracy bullshit can just go fuck yourselves.
  • UW_Doog_BotUW_Doog_Bot Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 15,395 Swaye's Wigwam
    I think we need at least 3 1/2 years of investigation to find anything out.
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,011 Standard Supporter
    SFGbob said:

    Yes, investigations take time.

    You and your fellow Tug investigators didn't seem to have any trouble uncovering evidence. The Dems were cheating in plain sight I heard.
    Got to love how the lying fucking moron who swallowed whole the entire Russian collusion fraud along with the Steele Dossier is now calling for evidence. Fuck off.
    Remember when we said go ahead and investigate the Russian collusion allegations and see where it led? I do. Then when it was apparent that the Russian collusion was with the PIPS campaign and said hat we should investigate the biggest corruption in the history of the republic? I do. Remember when at that point all the leftards that wanted the dem-Russian collusion prosecuted? I don't. Remember how the MSM demanded an investigation into the Biden-chicom party corruption? Me either.
  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    I think we need at least 3 1/2 years of investigation to find anything out.

    Special Prosecutor and spying on the incoming Biden Administration at the very least. Biden is obviously a national security risk that's been compromised by the Communist Chinese.

    Funny thing is, that was the exact premise the Obama/Biden Admin used to spy on the Trump campaign and the rational for the entire Mueller/FBI/DOJ investigation. Far more evidence that Biden has been compromised by the Chinese then there ever was that Trump was compromised by the Russians.
  • TheKobeStopperTheKobeStopper Member Posts: 5,959
    It’ll be your own guys.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    It’s difficult to find evidence when you’re not seeking any.

  • SFGbobSFGbob Member Posts: 31,942

    It’s difficult to find evidence when you’re not seeking any.

    I'm watchin the live hearing on the Michigan election being held by the Michigan State Senate right now, the claim that there was no fraud in this election is such an obvious fucking lie.

    71% of the Detroit vote isn't even capable of being recounted. All of the safeguards and laws that are used to protect the integrity of the vote are ignored in Rat controlled counties.
  • GreenRiverGatorzGreenRiverGatorz Member Posts: 10,163
    So the most high profile sycophant is no longer on the fraud train.

    Who the fuck is left? A rapidly melting Rudy in the late stages of dementia? Maria from Fox Business? When does the winning start?
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972

    So the most high profile sycophant is no longer on the fraud train.

    Who the fuck is left? A rapidly melting Rudy in the late stages of dementia? Maria from Fox Business? When does the winning start?

    What has Barr done to make you think he’s a “sycophant?” Give me some facts.

    Meanwhile, Obama’s first AG was Goose to Barry’s Maverick and you didn’t care. You’re very stupid, aren’t you.

    Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
    By JOSH GERSTEIN 04/04/2013 12:31 PM EDT
  • SledogSledog Member Posts: 33,097 Standard Supporter

    the media ignore eyewitness accounts of fraud at numerous levels

    And yet with DOJ, FBI have been following up all of the credible complaints and found nothing.

    Sounds like some butthurt Drump Tards are just making shit up, or they are confused about how to watch a poll -- many of them never even showed up for the poll watching training course you are supposed to attend prior to watching a poll, or were outraged that they weren't allowed to take their guns inside with them.

    All of you Drump Tards that believe and spread any of this conspiracy bullshit can just go fuck yourselves.
    What have they checked on? I've seen zero news on them actually out looking into anything. The first people they'd talk to are the witnesses to fraud that have come forward.

    Biden bitches are clueless cucks.
  • insinceredawginsinceredawg Member Posts: 5,117

    So the most high profile sycophant is no longer on the fraud train.

    Who the fuck is left? A rapidly melting Rudy in the late stages of dementia? Maria from Fox Business? When does the winning start?

    What has Barr done to make you think he’s a “sycophant?” Give me some facts.

    Meanwhile, Obama’s first AG was Goose to Barry’s Maverick and you didn’t care. You’re very stupid, aren’t you.

    Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
    By JOSH GERSTEIN 04/04/2013 12:31 PM EDT

  • GreenRiverGatorzGreenRiverGatorz Member Posts: 10,163

    So the most high profile sycophant is no longer on the fraud train.

    Who the fuck is left? A rapidly melting Rudy in the late stages of dementia? Maria from Fox Business? When does the winning start?

    What has Barr done to make you think he’s a “sycophant?” Give me some facts.

    Meanwhile, Obama’s first AG was Goose to Barry’s Maverick and you didn’t care. You’re very stupid, aren’t you.

    Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'
    By JOSH GERSTEIN 04/04/2013 12:31 PM EDT
    But, but, but, Eric Holder!
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