So much this. Nothing but division and hatred from democrats going back decades, amped up to infinity in 2000. The 9/11 terrorist attacks slowed it down, GW brought actual unity in the immediate aftermath of that terrible event. As soon as the Kumbaya moment cooled just a few degrees, they tripled down using all forms of division and hatred to divide and conquer. Since then they've also completed the takeover of the mainstream media and our public schools, using indoctrination in social justice, critical race theory and the like to "educate" our young and as tools to bludgeon those who know better into public submission. These fucks have always wanted one party rule, and they're damn close to stealing it. Unity? Give me a break.
You Will submit to Unity or you’ll be scheduled for a nice little Train ride to the countryside
People forget, progressive hero FDR put American citizens in concentration camps. This new batch of progressive totalitarians have lists and a love of doxing. Gulags aren't a bridge too far for these fucks.
So much this. Nothing but division and hatred from democrats going back decades, amped up to infinity in 2000. The 9/11 terrorist attacks slowed it down, GW brought actual unity in the immediate aftermath of that terrible event. As soon as the Kumbaya moment cooled just a few degrees, they tripled down using all forms of division and hatred to divide and conquer. Since then they've also completed the takeover of the mainstream media and our public schools, using indoctrination in social justice, critical race theory and the like to "educate" our young and as tools to bludgeon those who know better into public submission. These fucks have always wanted one party rule, and they're damn close to stealing it. Unity? Give me a break.
That fucking unity got us in to two fucking wars, not sure anyone fucking needs that
So Joe want to unify with the voters who he believes were in favor of a soulless America who knowingly voted for a racist and a bigot and a guy Joe called a clown.
So much this. Nothing but division and hatred from democrats going back decades, amped up to infinity in 2000. The 9/11 terrorist attacks slowed it down, GW brought actual unity in the immediate aftermath of that terrible event. As soon as the Kumbaya moment cooled just a few degrees, they tripled down using all forms of division and hatred to divide and conquer. Since then they've also completed the takeover of the mainstream media and our public schools, using indoctrination in social justice, critical race theory and the like to "educate" our young and as tools to bludgeon those who know better into public submission. These fucks have always wanted one party rule, and they're damn close to stealing it. Unity? Give me a break.
That fucking unity got us in to two fucking wars, not sure anyone fucking needs that
The nation was attacked by terrorists and came together under solid leadership. That was unity. There will be no fucking unity under a regime led by brain stem acting as a hood ornament for a political apparatus that stole an election and is hell bent on one party rule.
You'll get the unity you gave
President AOC says fuck that
The @DNC is finding this to be true with AOC