Biden having an eight point lead in fucking Arizona is shady as hell. They told me not to use sharpies for my male in ballot but somehow it's fine in Valley of the heat stroke. The fat slob Donkey congressman in the district next to me is probably in on it somehow. He's created quite the political machine.
Turns out people sometimes make clerical errors. Shock, I know. Big if true.
Yeah and it's just a coincidence that these "clerical errors" always favor one side over the other.
They don’t.
You remain a shrill conspiratard.
Said the Kunt who claimed Mike Brown was shot in the back while running away, with his arms in the air, while on his knees.
Nothing quite like being a called a "conspiratard" by a Kunt who still has the "Russian collusion" dick crammed down his throat.
I missed your “evidence” that clerical errors always favor one side. And now you want to change the subject.
The subject is that a hypocritical piece of shit like yourself who pushed the phony Russian collusion fraud has no fucking business calling anyone else a conspiracy tard.
My “evidence” is that the city of Ferguson paid out on a insurance claim.
The extent to which they cheated is so blatant, that it’s unquestionably suspicious. If they’d dialed it back, they probably wouldn’t have been caught. They’re going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Cook it.
My “evidence” is that the city of Ferguson paid out on a insurance claim.
Live by the technology of the day, die by the technology of the day.
Somewhere, Eliot Ness and Oscar Wallace are smiling.
Are you against having secure elections? I hear Russia impacted that last one.
When he wins he should start a third party
I'm on an up too