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Three Kings

oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

A Message For And Or About Donald J Trump



Ahab was the seventh king of Israel, the son and successor of King Omri and the husband of
Jezebel of Sidon. The existence of Ahab is historically supported outside the Bible. Shalmaneser
III of Assyria documented in 853 BC that he defeated an alliance of a dozen kings in the Battle of
Qarqar; one of these was Ahab. He is also mentioned on the inscriptions of the Mesha Stele.

Ahab and Jezebel were the most wicked and evil rulers Israel had ever known. They employed
850 prophets of Baal and his consort, Ishtar, and were killing the prophets of Yahweh. After
Elijah told Ahab there would be no rain for years to come, they were determined to kill him.

When Ahab married Jezebel he created an unholy alliance with the King of Sidon, Jezebel’s father.
Her country worshiped Baal, or Bel Marduk, and Ishtar and Israel was beginning to do the same.
Baal was supposed to be a dominant god that controls storms and rain. Baal and Ishtar, his
companion, were fertility gods.


Cyrus the Great (c. 600 or 576 – 530 BC) was a patron and deliverer of the Jews. He is mentioned
23 times by name in the Bible and alluded to several times more. Cyrus the Great, king of Persia,
was the monarch under whom the Babylonian captivity ended. In the first year of his reign he was
prompted by God to decree that the Temple in Jerusalem should be rebuilt and that such Jews as
cared to might return to their land for this purpose. Moreover, he showed his interest in the project
by sending back with them the sacred vessels which had been taken from the First Temple and a
considerable sum of money with which to buy building materials.


Saul was the first king of Israel, who reigned circa 1020 to 1000 BCE. According to the Bible, as
king, Saul marshaled military forces to fight the Ammonites, Edomites, Moabites, Amalekites
and Philistines.
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