When politicians care more about ABC's non-coverage of climate change than fixing the trainwreck that is Obamacare, you know we are well and truly fucked.
With all the money the oil companies give most Democrats, I wouldn't worry about it taking up too much of the airwaves. Obama and Romney didn't talk about it all in their debates, IIRC. It was the first time climate change wasn't talked about since the 80's in a presidential debate.
With all the money the oil companies give most Democrats, I wouldn't worry about it taking up too much of the airwaves. Obama and Romney didn't talk about it all in their debates, IIRC. It was the first time climate change wasn't talked about since the 80's in a presidential debate.
Chevron gave the biggest corporate donation to a super pac in the 2012 election cycle.
Politicians on either side of the aisle lack backbone.
With all the money the oil companies give most Democrats, I wouldn't worry about it taking up too much of the airwaves. Obama and Romney didn't talk about it all in their debates, IIRC. It was the first time climate change wasn't talked about since the 80's in a presidential debate.
Chevron gave the biggest corporate donation to a super pac in the 2012 election cycle.
Politicians on either side of the aisle lack backbone.
With all the money the oil companies give most Democrats, I wouldn't worry about it taking up too much of the airwaves. Obama and Romney didn't talk about it all in their debates, IIRC. It was the first time climate change wasn't talked about since the 80's in a presidential debate.
Chevron gave the biggest corporate donation to a super pac in the 2012 election cycle.
Politicians on either side of the aisle lack backbone.
If you know this then why do you wish to increase the power of the federal government run by these purchased by big oil backbone lacking politicians on both sides?
With all the money the oil companies give most Democrats, I wouldn't worry about it taking up too much of the airwaves. Obama and Romney didn't talk about it all in their debates, IIRC. It was the first time climate change wasn't talked about since the 80's in a presidential debate.
Chevron gave the biggest corporate donation to a super pac in the 2012 election cycle.
Politicians on either side of the aisle lack backbone.
Fudge and Peanut Butter? Butt of course...