We? all know this was a political hoax. Democrats in state governments overplayed it. Should have waited until a month ago to shut everything down and panic people.
I eat out 4 nights a week and pretty much beg for this thing to come get me at this point. I would probably be classified as at risk too via disease.
I just want to sincerely thank Seattle liberals for doing what they do best during these last 5 months. I hope their neighborhood addicts take an extra potent and colorful dump in front of their houses, for me.
91k cases in a population of 330 million is far better than the European countries.
Every day?
Yes, it is, you dipstick. Per capita means something, but you can't compute beyond basic numbers. Your silence to my other posts speaks volumes. 10k cases a day in Czechoslovakia is equivalent to 330k cases a day in the US. So, yeah, we are doing much better here.
We? all know this was a political hoax. Democrats in state governments overplayed it. Should have waited until a month ago to shut everything down and panic people.
Only morons are afraid of this cold now.
Trump secretly killed 230k people with his virus. Plus Italy, Spain, France, China, Mexico and Brazil.
He's got my vote, cause he gets shit done.
I just want to sincerely thank Seattle liberals for doing what they do best during these last 5 months. I hope their neighborhood addicts take an extra potent and colorful dump in front of their houses, for me.
Lil OG Stack Dolla Throbber.