Message from Vanilla: Can you ask the users experiencing the issue to be a bit more specific in terms of their devices, eg. Mobile/Web, Device make/model, browser and version used. This will help us narrow down the device and the issue probably too.
Message from Vanilla: Can you ask the users experiencing the issue to be a bit more specific in terms of their devices, eg. Mobile/Web, Device make/model, browser and version used. This will help us narrow down the device and the issue probably too.
How do I find this info?
All I know is laptop, Windows, Mozilla. I'm a dumb dumb.
It looked like it was happening every so often on latest chrome, latest Android like they just needed to put retries in, or maybe there was an issue with Twitter that they previously didn't need handling for. It hasn't cropped up in awhile.
Slow but not impossible
Seems to work on my phone.
Android 8.0.0 SM-G930P Build/R16NW
Chrome 86.0.4240.110
All I know is laptop, Windows, Mozilla. I'm a dumb dumb.