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Welcome to the Hardcore Husky Forums. Folks who are well-known in Cyberland and not that dumb.

Most infected

HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358

Red state health departments poasting phony numbers to screw Daddy.

Right Race?

(North Dakota is impressing the pollsters!)


  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,485 Founders Club
    Red states still out did blue state lockdowns and it wasn't close

    No matter how many times you lie
  • BendintheriverBendintheriver Member Posts: 5,838 Standard Supporter
    Stay in your basement HH. FEEL GOOD about yourself as you expect those little people who are deemed "essential workers" to serve your every whim while you permanently quarantine yourself and post charts of positive cases.

    I am always amazed at the liberal elites whining about covid and sit back and watch farmers, grocery store workers, doctors, road workers, etc go back to work to make sure rats don't starve or freeze to death. Millions have to go back to work to keep the family business going and put food on the table but not the whiny libs.

    Keep your distance and use hand sanitizer and you give yourself the best odds. Stay at home and you run the risk of being addicted to bitching about covid and posting charts while everyone else supports your lazy ass.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    Please don't be bitter, ladies.

    It's unbecoming.
  • CuntWaffleCuntWaffle Member Posts: 22,493
  • TequillaTequilla Member Posts: 19,825
    I don’t get why this is so hard to understand

    Cases are a leading indicator but there are a number of different tranches/cohorts that influence what the death expectations are

    I’m not advocating let’s let infections run wild (there’s enough that we don’t know that we probably should be smart enough to try to avoid as possible) ...

    But by and large we know where the deaths are coming from and the solution has always been to protect the most vulnerable

    Anybody that thinks that just shutting everything down and we’d effective starve out the COVID is fooling themselves ...

    Additionally, comparisons to places like Canada are a tad apples/oranges because there are elements that make the US/Canada differently ... including the fact that many Americans are highly selfish
  • RoadTripRoadTrip Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 7,638 Founders Club

    Stay in your basement HH. FEEL GOOD about yourself as you expect those little people who are deemed "essential workers" to serve your every whim while you permanently quarantine yourself and post charts of positive cases.

    I am always amazed at the liberal elites whining about covid and sit back and watch farmers, grocery store workers, doctors, road workers, etc go back to work to make sure rats don't starve or freeze to death. Millions have to go back to work to keep the family business going and put food on the table but not the whiny libs.

    Keep your distance and use hand sanitizer and you give yourself the best odds. Stay at home and you run the risk of being addicted to bitching about covid and posting charts while everyone else supports your lazy ass.

    Make no mistake about it; there is nothing elite about H.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    RoadTrip said:

    Stay in your basement HH. FEEL GOOD about yourself as you expect those little people who are deemed "essential workers" to serve your every whim while you permanently quarantine yourself and post charts of positive cases.

    I am always amazed at the liberal elites whining about covid and sit back and watch farmers, grocery store workers, doctors, road workers, etc go back to work to make sure rats don't starve or freeze to death. Millions have to go back to work to keep the family business going and put food on the table but not the whiny libs.

    Keep your distance and use hand sanitizer and you give yourself the best odds. Stay at home and you run the risk of being addicted to bitching about covid and posting charts while everyone else supports your lazy ass.

    Make no mistake about it; there is nothing elite about H.
  • NorthwestFreshNorthwestFresh Member Posts: 7,972
    RoadTrip said:

    Stay in your basement HH. FEEL GOOD about yourself as you expect those little people who are deemed "essential workers" to serve your every whim while you permanently quarantine yourself and post charts of positive cases.

    I am always amazed at the liberal elites whining about covid and sit back and watch farmers, grocery store workers, doctors, road workers, etc go back to work to make sure rats don't starve or freeze to death. Millions have to go back to work to keep the family business going and put food on the table but not the whiny libs.

    Keep your distance and use hand sanitizer and you give yourself the best odds. Stay at home and you run the risk of being addicted to bitching about covid and posting charts while everyone else supports your lazy ass.

    Make no mistake about it; there is nothing elite about H.
    All the Seattle Big Shot attorneys fly commercial to hot and humid St. Louis in July during a plandemic and then drive to rural Missouri swampland to pitch a hare-brained idea.

    It’s what they do.
  • HHuskyHHusky Member Posts: 20,358
    edited October 2020
    Tequilla said:

    I don’t get why this is so hard to understand

    Cases are a leading indicator but there are a number of different tranches/cohorts that influence what the death expectations are

    I’m not advocating let’s let infections run wild (there’s enough that we don’t know that we probably should be smart enough to try to avoid as possible) ...

    But by and large we know where the deaths are coming from and the solution has always been to protect the most vulnerable

    Anybody that thinks that just shutting everything down and we’d effective starve out the COVID is fooling themselves ...

    Additionally, comparisons to places like Canada are a tad apples/oranges because there are elements that make the US/Canada differently ... including the fact that many Americans are highly selfish

    But to return to the point, we have poasters here denying the numbers themselves because of some imagined conspiracy to dethrone Daddy. Numbers provided by Red State administrations.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,485 Founders Club
    HHusky said:

    Tequilla said:

    I don’t get why this is so hard to understand

    Cases are a leading indicator but there are a number of different tranches/cohorts that influence what the death expectations are

    I’m not advocating let’s let infections run wild (there’s enough that we don’t know that we probably should be smart enough to try to avoid as possible) ...

    But by and large we know where the deaths are coming from and the solution has always been to protect the most vulnerable

    Anybody that thinks that just shutting everything down and we’d effective starve out the COVID is fooling themselves ...

    Additionally, comparisons to places like Canada are a tad apples/oranges because there are elements that make the US/Canada differently ... including the fact that many Americans are highly selfish

    But to return to the point, we have poasters here denying the numbers themselves because of some imagined conspiracy to dethrone Daddy. Numbers provided by Red State administrations.
    No we don't

    The numbers deny themselves

    The blue states destroyed the economy

    Why doesn't matter. They did it. That matters

    Now 7 months later you're whining daily about cases which is not why we locked down

    You're a dishonest piece of shit spreading fear and propaganda

    We know why you are

    So fuck off
  • WestlinnDuckWestlinnDuck Member Posts: 15,019 Standard Supporter
    Sounds like the dazzler - scared sh*tless in the basement. I pity his clients and hope he didnt have any kids. Can you imagine having the dazzler as your father figure.

    The Washington Post Brags: Look How Frightened and Deranged Our Fearporn Has Made Our Readers!
    They proudly publish this piece by a woman who's been mentally fragmented by four fucking years of the media's gales of hate and hysteria, topped off with seven months of Virus Porn.

    A terrified people are a compliant people.

    You may think you�re totally safe because you wear a mask and gloves during the pandemic. But do you put alcohol up your nose and antiseptic on your eyelids when you come home?

    Having little to do these days but wait for the novel coronavirus to spread, I take what might seem like excessive precautions. It's not because I don't follow the science. It's because so few others are taking any precautions at all; those of us who want to avoid the contagion have to carry a much heavier security burden. Measures that appear gratuitous are basic efforts at self-preservation.

    I start each morning by taking my temperature with an infrared thermometer and my oxygen level with my oximeter. I check the conjunctival tissue in my eyes in the mirror; examine my feet for covid-19 toes, which are skin lesions or bumps. I take a quick whiff of something smelly like peanut butter or perfume.

    If I pass all these tests, I can enter the world. I fold a tissue and place it inside the top of my mask to absorb moisture and prevent steaming or sweating. I wear a face shield over my mask should anyone sneeze or cough on me, which might protect from droplets, although I know that aerosols can creep around facial shields.
    I protect my eyes with "onion goggles" that have a sponge around the inside and provides a tighter fit than regular glasses. I wash them with soap and water, which seems to reduce fogging better than the "fog cloths" I purchased.


    I remove everything before I get in my car (or house) if I've been somewhere like a doctor's office. In the car, I put everything in a large brown paper bag and drench my hands with sanitizer I keep away from the sun, so the alcohol doesn't start a fire. I sanitize the car's indoor and outdoor door handles, steering wheel, gear shift and radio buttons before I turn the air conditioner off and open the front and back windows during the trip so anything left will hopefully fly away.

    Once home, having been careful not to touch my face on the trip there, I immediately wash my hands. I place each hand over the other and rub with interlaced fingers, exchanging hands, and making sure to also wash between the fingers as well as the fingertips and thumbs, which I rub rotationally in both directions. Every few washes a day, I use a nail brush under my nails and moisturizer on my hands, since I read that if your hands dry out from all the washing, the virus can hide in microscopic cracks in the skin. Once I sanitize the doorknob, I wash my face and then sanitize toilet handles and faucets.

    The next thing is not something I am suggesting you do; a friend of mine who worked for Pfizer told me that as long as I'm buying the soap, I should stick some up into each nostril and wash it out a bit. He also suggested isopropyl alcohol, not to drink, but to dip a Q-Tip in and then gently move it around the inside of each nostril. It may sound almost as ridiculous as the suggestion to somehow put bleach into our bodies, but a little bit of soap and alcohol probably can't hurt. I also dab my eyelids with Ocusoft Lid Scrub in the hopes that any virus on my eyelids won't go any further.
  • theknowledgetheknowledge Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 4,796 Founders Club
    You got pics of this chick? Sometimes crazy can be fun.
  • RaceBannonRaceBannon Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 104,485 Founders Club
    I get up take a shit and have a cup of coffee
  • TequillaTequilla Member Posts: 19,825
    HHusky said:

    Tequilla said:

    I don’t get why this is so hard to understand

    Cases are a leading indicator but there are a number of different tranches/cohorts that influence what the death expectations are

    I’m not advocating let’s let infections run wild (there’s enough that we don’t know that we probably should be smart enough to try to avoid as possible) ...

    But by and large we know where the deaths are coming from and the solution has always been to protect the most vulnerable

    Anybody that thinks that just shutting everything down and we’d effective starve out the COVID is fooling themselves ...

    Additionally, comparisons to places like Canada are a tad apples/oranges because there are elements that make the US/Canada differently ... including the fact that many Americans are highly selfish

    But to return to the point, we have poasters here denying the numbers themselves because of some imagined conspiracy to dethrone Daddy. Numbers provided by Red State administrations.
    What are people exactly denying?

    And more importantly what pieces of data or numbers are the ones we should be looking at?

    Again, I'm not going to poo poo on cases but the reality is that a case for a 25 year old is different than a case for a 90 year old (BTW, Bobby Bowden just went in/out of the Hospital with COVID) ... as many have pointed out the fatality rates are quite low overall and for the balance of the data cohorts very low. Protecting the vulnerable is the right course of action if the goal is protecting against deaths.

    Let's rewind 6 months to the start of everything and let's talk about why we had the lockdowns, etc. to start with ... the reason wasn't to per se eliminate all deaths. It was to make sure that we effectively bought ourselves time to ensure that we had capacity in our hospitals for ICUs and ventilators to handle the most severe cases and that we had the protective equipment necessary to address what on the whole was a great unknown. By and large, we've largely stabilized the capacity constraints in all material ways for a number of reasons. Moreover, without taking this too political, the initial response included the Federal Government significantly mobilizing to provide additional materials and capacity (i.e. CenturyLink Field converted to hospital beds) ... balance of which was never used.

    What's rarely been talked about in any effective media outlet is the talk of all the ancillary costs of COVID whether it be medical procedures postponed and/or not even proper levels of awareness of, physical abuse, depression, increases in drug/alcohol abuse, divorce rates, the economy, and most importantly impact on children via effective elimination of school for what will effectively be a calendar year if not longer. None of these items are things that we should just be sweeping under the rug. If you want to go back to March/April, these were items I was calling out because history teaches us that the solution can't be worse than the initial problem. Reality is that there are significant instances where the solution has caused significant downstream impacts.

    As for the "numbers" that you cite, I'm assuming you're talking about people questioning the fatality numbers. I don't think it's super controversial at this point to say that COVID being present leads to a positive COVID death being applied. This is problematic when you factor in that the death rates and the factors leading into that are largely based on people that are highly at risk in both age and medical condition. In many instances, the deaths caused by COVID would in normal years be attributable to the flu or the medical condition(s) that they have (i.e. pneumonia). So when considering deaths from COVID, the reality is that you need to adequately combine all of the relevant causes of death and compare the combined numbers side by side ... there's a legitimate concern in my eyes that what we're calling out for COVID is effectively a substitution of other conditions. While I haven't looked at the raw numbers to the point of fully opine, my expectations is that when we look at the annual increase across the full spectrum the numbers look far less extreme than what they look like by just fixating on COVID.

    Where I'd be 1000% in your corner when it comes to COVID would be if we found that COVID impacted across age groups in a significant manner. Thinking back to HIV/AIDS in the early 80s, the uncertainty and age of those infected and the deaths due to complications (i.e. pneumonia) that would ordinarily not kill people at those ages, that's one thing. But the reality is that that's not the case with COVID and the great unknown at this point is any downstream impacts from COVID.

    And I'm saying this as someone that has a circumstance within my family that the threat of COVID has required me to take significant precautions during the course of this year to stay safe and of great concern to me with respect to this family member on a daily basis. But even in that situation, there's an understanding that we have to live lives ... just shutting down and waiting for things to get better isn't a high standard of living. Many are ok with taking calculated risks to live as best as they can in the present environment.
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