Targeted attack and not mentioning drugs is what got my attention.
That’s the first thing that popped into my head. You have two adults in the room, who may not be related to the home owners, and both caught bullets. You also have a husband and wife, and a 4yo all up at 2:00 in the fucking morning.
Targeted attack and not mentioning drugs is what got my attention.
That’s the first thing that popped into my head. You have two adults in the room, who may not be related to the home owners, and both caught bullets. You also have a husband and wife, and a 4yo all up at 2:00 in the fucking morning.
Lotta layers to this onion, I’m gonna guess.....
Druggies kill each other but a fucking 4 year old! How sick people can be never ceases to amaze me even after all I've seen.
Weird scenario. What was going on in that living room at 2:00am where you’ve got multiple adults and a 4 year old gathered together?
Lotta layers to this onion, I’m gonna guess.....