In recent years, many newcomers to Hardcore Husky have inquired about the lore of our site. Well, prior to HH there were the Husky Half Brains. They were the precursor. Without the Half Brains, there would be no Hardcore Husky today.
This episode was from the old Husky Half Brains Podcast that starred Race Bannon and iDawg. In essence, the show ran from 2007-2010. It was created because nobody in the media was criticizing UW coach Tyrone Willingham and athletic director Todd Turner as the losses began to mount on Montlake. This episode was originally titled "After Oregon, before Arizona." As you might guess, both were crushing losses.
Over the next six weeks, we will be posting episodes from the HH podcast. We won't broadcast every one, but will upload at least 8-10 episodes. We will stay in chronological order.
Big thanks to
@SpoonieLuv for having saved these episodes to his external drive years ago and then sending them to me yesterday.
Race and iDawg had great chemistry and their show was unique. They even shared some life lessons to boot.
Enjoy! old site (RIP)
Edit: in all seriousness, being one of those ppl that missed the HHB and OG podcast during its initial run, I can’t wait to listen to these.
And @SpoonieLuv, unlike those wretched TSIO guys, I love you! TYFYS.
Laughed about you guys Doog’ing for Mora.
@iDawg has got to be turning in his grave
No one has done it better
Can’t remember if I was a Captain on HH, pretty sure, but can’t verify.
My Doogman handle had no rank, nor should it have.