So for the stupid out there like IC and the dishonest cocksuckers like the Dazzler, Obama and Hillary colluded with the Russians to attack their political opponents.
Kind of explains why Obama did so little to stop Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.
Well we know why the leftists don't care which is just another reveal on what zero integrity hacks those fucks really are. Remember when you had assholes like the Dazzler and Snotty talking about how they just wanted an investigation where ever it might lead, yeah they were always fucking lying.
If you look at the wording there is more than a decent chance the FBI thought Steele and not (just) Danchenko was the Russian spy. Fascinating thread from a guy who has been ahead of the game for a while:
Well we know why the leftists don't care which is just another reveal on what zero integrity hacks those fucks really are. Remember when you had assholes like the Dazzler and Snotty talking about how they just wanted an investigation where ever it might lead, yeah they were always fucking lying.
If it makes you feel any better this is reason #1 why I renounced the Dems. This shit red pilled me more than anything else. I'm definitely not the only one of my friends that feels this way either...
I walked into a campaign event for a city councilman and hopefully the new mayor at the club tonight (drunk and high after 9 holes) and talked shit about my feelings on all of the RAT scams. I don't give a fuck who someone thinks they are or how much money they have. I'm right and they're going to fucking hear it. I fucking care and am willing to throw down on any fucking clown.
Well we know why the leftists don't care which is just another reveal on what zero integrity hacks those fucks really are. Remember when you had assholes like the Dazzler and Snotty talking about how they just wanted an investigation where ever it might lead, yeah they were always fucking lying.
If it makes you feel any better this is reason #1 why I renounced the Dems. This shit red pilled me more than anything else. I'm definitely not the only one of my friends that feels this way either...
This shit out me from not being a fan of Trump to wanting him to destroy the left
Hey now, I’ve been saying Hillary colluded with Russians since it came out years ago that her campaign and the DNC paid for the Pee Pee Papers. As we say, NOC though.
The primary source was a suspected Russian spy and that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had paid for it and Mueller, who was tasked with looking into how Russia had influenced the 2016 election, never even bothered to investigate any of this.
Where's comrade Dazzler now the fucking hypocritical piece of shit.
And isn't it amazing that the FBI and DOJ are still running interference on this. How long has the FBI known all about this and only now are we getting this information.
The ability to use projection when the media will carry your water is so fucking undefeatable.
Plenty of people should swing, instead most people will never even know and the rich and powerful will get more rich and more powerful.
Scurry on back to your race riots now...
And Biden, who has been running for President for nearly two years now hasn't been asked to answer for any of this. The Administration that he was a member of colluded with the Russians to throw the election to Hillary and Biden escapes any questions on the subject from our worthless fucking press.
Kind of explains why Obama did so little to stop Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.
People do care but its just ignored
Tell me when minion master
(Click on it to read the rest...fascinating chronology of events)
Plenty of people should swing, instead most people will never even know and the rich and powerful will get more rich and more powerful.
Scurry on back to your race riots now...
Where's comrade Dazzler now the fucking hypocritical piece of shit.
And isn't it amazing that the FBI and DOJ are still running interference on this. How long has the FBI known all about this and only now are we getting this information.
Truth is not an option