The Church is going to give Romney a call about right to life and abortion. I think he votes with the GOP on this one. Can't underestimate his hate for Trump and waffling on issues though so who the fuck actually knows.
The Church is going to give Romney a call about right to life and abortion. I think he votes with the GOP on this one. Can't underestimate his hate for Trump and waffling on issues though so who the fuck actually knows.
It'll be like when the President of the Mormons had a vision that black running backs should be allowed into BYU the Church of the Latter Day Saints.
The Church is going to give Romney a call about right to life and abortion. I think he votes with the GOP on this one. Can't underestimate his hate for Trump and waffling on issues though so who the fuck actually knows.
Don't be so sure. Mitt's not from Utah. He doesn't have to live there after he is done holding office. I think Mitt loves knifing Trump more than he loves the Senate and he has no allegiance to Utah.
Not over yet. If Trump nominates an Hispanic woman, going to be a lot of pressure on the Rinos. If they were to vote “present”, then only 48 votes needed to confirm. There are only 47 democrats.
The Church is going to give Romney a call about right to life and abortion. I think he votes with the GOP on this one. Can't underestimate his hate for Trump and waffling on issues though so who the fuck actually knows.
Don't be so sure. Mitt's not from Utah. He doesn't have to live there after he is done holding office. I think Mitt loves knifing Trump more than he loves the Senate and he has no allegiance to Utah.
Mitt hates Utah so much he sold his Park City home there this summer.
BYUthe Church of the Latter Day Saints.Fuck him for choking in 2012
It's either that or the Republican senators pull the ultimate bitch move and seat the justice in the lame duck period.