Before the chicom crud became an excuse to wreck the economy and small business. You think Bought and Paid for Slo Joe with his huge tax increases and regulations targeting business will keep people employed. Just look at the Cuban and Venezuelan economic miracles. Data: US Household Income Hit All-Time High in 2019
And it would have hit a new record in 2020, if not for the Chinese Virus.
Karen Townsend at HotAir:
Median household income reached an all-time high, coming in at $68,700 in 2019. That is a 6.8% increase, from $64,324 in 2018, the largest one-year increase on record. The poverty rate fell to the lowest in recorded history, at 10.5%, a decline of 1.3%. The poverty level fell for the fifth consecutive year.
The specifics that Trump often refers to - the categories of specific demographics tell the tale, too. Real median incomes grew for black Americans (7.9%), Hispanic Americans (7.1%), and Asian Americans (10.6%). Remember when then-candidate Trump asked minority voters, "What the hell do you have to lose?" Any minority voter that took that challenge to heart has been vindicated, certainly economically speaking. Income levels for minorities reached record levels.
There were 2.2 million more people working at some point in 2019 compared with 2018 and 1.2 million more people working full-time year-round. Women workers drove the increase in full-time year-round workers.
Manufacturing, which you gals cry crocodile tears for, entered recession last year.
Market correction, sure. And if I recall it was fueled almost entirely by fears of the virus impacting the Chinese economy and all the subsequent dominoes.
Virulent racist