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My email exchanges with the late Bill Gates, Sr.
Nothing earth-shattering here. But upon hearing of his recent passing, I went back to look at the exchange.
From: bill.gates@gatesfoundation.org
To: You
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2010 20:08:46 -0700
Mr. Johnson,
I have no knowledge to share about Mr. Willingham. I barely met him just once. I cannot see any substance from a conversation with me.
From: Derek Johnson [mailto:derekjohnsonbooks]
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 9:50 PM
To: Bill Gates Sr
Subject: RE:
Hi Mr. Gates,
I apologize for not being more clear in my initial inquiry. The question rests not with your thoughts specific to Tyrone Willingham. I wish to talk with you in regards to Nov-Dec of 2007, as there were many rumors circulating about your possible involvement in the decision to retain Willingham for the 2008 season. I'm approaching you with the sincere desire to separate fact from fiction and get the story right. I would also like to hear what your perspective was in witnessing the split fan base and fervent debates taking place in Seattle at that time. It was a tumultuous time that said a lot about our society. I'm certain that you have interesting thoughts to add.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Bill Gates Sr
Wed 9/1/2010 7:54 AM
To: You
Mr. Johnson:
I had no opinion and talked to no one about Mr. Willingham’s continued employment. I have to say I was unaware of any split among the fans—it was not something I ever discussed with anyone.
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DJ Books- 0
"Stalin, Bill Gates, Aphrodite Rub Elbows"
The boy in the black-framed glasses holds up a poster showing a map of the former Soviet Union drawn in Magic Marker."I am Joseph Stalin," he says. "I ruled over the largest area of land, for a longer period of time, than any other dictator in history."
If this was supposed to make me hate socialism it didn't work. I have a cartoon boner. TYFYS