Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
Next you’re going to tell me the Germans and Russians were on the same team
Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
Next you’re going to tell me the Germans and Russians were on the same team
Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
Next you’re going to tell me the Germans and Russians were on the same team
Other than the subjugation of their citizenry, government control of the media, offing millions, gun control and a government run command economy, they had nothing in common.
Ah, but they were. They split Poland in half. Got along quite well til Hitler decided he needed more living space. The German Luftwaffe was even secretly training in Russia before the war. Two sides of the same coin.
Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
I know that no one here reads anything other than knights, dragons, and magical wizard shit but Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism" is a really great book the dives into the historical etymology of the word fascism and how leftists have used language as a weapon to cut down their opponents and paint some of their worst offenses as "right wing fascism".
The type of real world historical book that Roadie would like, not any of this fantasy wood elves bullshit.
Fun fact, fascism is actually a form of socialism. It's sad but entertaining that our education system is so degraded by Marxism that people think those are the binary ends of the spectrum.
I know that no one here reads anything other than knights, dragons, and magical wizard shit but Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism" is a really great book the dives into the historical etymology of the word fascism and how leftists have used language as a weapon to cut down their opponents and paint some of their worst offenses as "right wing fascism".
The type of real world historical book that Roadie would like, not any of this fantasy wood elves bullshit.
That kind of stuff is why Game of Thrones was so popular. The politics and conflict.
History is usually more interesting than fantasy. There is some crazy shit that has happened that we don't always learn from
The type of real world historical book that Roadie would like, not any of this fantasy wood elves bullshit.
Jay =\= Jonah
History is usually more interesting than fantasy. There is some crazy shit that has happened that we don't always learn from