Elaborate brainwashing hoax. Some of our weaker minded here fell for it and now are either too stupid or too entrenched to interpret the real data. I weep for America.
All this basic information was available in March from the Diamond Princess petri dish and yet we used some BS UK modeling and US modeling and predicted over 2 million US deaths. Then it was close down for 15 days to flatten the curve and yet in Cali you can't get your hair done (unless your Stretch Pelosi) or eat inside a restaurant. In mid-September. Some of us here, all with MDs or PHDs in epidemiology, had this thing nailed in March. Isolate the old people and those with serious underlying medical conditions. Geezus.
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin, London and Dublin, protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates’ dictatorial grip on public health matters.
According to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention August 26, 2020, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate
A September 2, 2020, study found the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio was 0.26%.Among those under the age of 40, the infection fatality ratio is 0.01%, while those over 60 have an infection fatality ratio of 1.71%
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is 0.8%, so the only people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza are those over the age of 60. Everyone else has a lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu
All this basic information was available in March from the Diamond Princess petri dish and yet we used some BS UK modeling and US modeling and predicted over 2 million US deaths. Then it was close down for 15 days to flatten the curve and yet in Cali you can't get your hair done (unless your Stretch Pelosi) or eat inside a restaurant. In mid-September. Some of us here, all with MDs or PHDs in epidemiology, had this thing nailed in March. Isolate the old people and those with serious underlying medical conditions. Geezus.
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin, London and Dublin, protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates’ dictatorial grip on public health matters.
According to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention August 26, 2020, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate
A September 2, 2020, study found the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio was 0.26%.Among those under the age of 40, the infection fatality ratio is 0.01%, while those over 60 have an infection fatality ratio of 1.71%
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is 0.8%, so the only people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza are those over the age of 60. Everyone else has a lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu
The cruise ships were some of the best real world control study groups scientists could have ever asked for AND they were observed early in the pandemic... they are almost entirely absent from the scientific discussion on covid19.
All this basic information was available in March from the Diamond Princess petri dish and yet we used some BS UK modeling and US modeling and predicted over 2 million US deaths. Then it was close down for 15 days to flatten the curve and yet in Cali you can't get your hair done (unless your Stretch Pelosi) or eat inside a restaurant. In mid-September. Some of us here, all with MDs or PHDs in epidemiology, had this thing nailed in March. Isolate the old people and those with serious underlying medical conditions. Geezus.
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin, London and Dublin, protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates’ dictatorial grip on public health matters.
According to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention August 26, 2020, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate
A September 2, 2020, study found the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio was 0.26%.Among those under the age of 40, the infection fatality ratio is 0.01%, while those over 60 have an infection fatality ratio of 1.71%
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is 0.8%, so the only people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza are those over the age of 60. Everyone else has a lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu
The cruise ships were some of the best real world control study groups scientists could have ever asked for AND they were observed early in the pandemic... they are almost entirely absent from the scientific discussion on covid19.
Plus the aircraft carrier. Which was a shitshow, don't twist, but it's hard to find outcomes from that outbreak.
After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world
The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin, London and Dublin, protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates and Bill Gates’ dictatorial grip on public health matters.
According to data released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention August 26, 2020, only 6% of the total COVID-19-related deaths in the U.S. had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate
A September 2, 2020, study found the overall noninstitutionalized infection fatality ratio was 0.26%. Among those under the age of 40, the infection fatality ratio is 0.01%, while those over 60 have an infection fatality ratio of 1.71%
The estimated infection fatality rate for seasonal influenza is 0.8%, so the only people for whom SARS-CoV-2 infection is more dangerous than influenza are those over the age of 60. Everyone else has a lower risk of dying from COVID-19 than they have of dying from the flu
Just daily tote boards of numbers without context
You have to be online in some cesspool like this to even find people trying to make sense of the numbers
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