If someone refers to themselves as "licensed gun owner" they are full of shit... You dont need a license to own a gun.
The TLDR of the article is: "Police, the justice system, and gun laws are racially motivated. Therefore, we should have more restrictive gun laws that make it even more difficult for minorities to safely purchase, practice, and use firearms. Trust me, Im black and served in the military!"
What kind of fucking paste eating retard do you have to be to simultaneously argue that gun laws historically have been racial motivated, police and the american justice system is racist, and in the very next fucking sentence argue in favor of more restrictive gun laws?
Not a surprise this retard works for Everytown gun confiscation group and his friends are Lincoln project guys.
Seen that a lot this week. Sad!!
The TLDR of the article is: "Police, the justice system, and gun laws are racially motivated. Therefore, we should have more restrictive gun laws that make it even more difficult for minorities to safely purchase, practice, and use firearms. Trust me, Im black and served in the military!"
What kind of fucking paste eating retard do you have to be to simultaneously argue that gun laws historically have been racial motivated, police and the american justice system is racist, and in the very next fucking sentence argue in favor of more restrictive gun laws?
Not a surprise this retard works for Everytown gun confiscation group and his friends are Lincoln project guys.