- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
Democrats Communists. I forgot about the party switch!
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
Fucking morons who’ve never been spanked, let alone actually attacked. People don’t understand how fucking hard that job is and how little time they have to make decisions. I’ve done ride alongs with friends, and I can’t image what they feel every time they get out of their cars.
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
Same people saying good job when they unload a full clip in a black guy.
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
Democrats Communists. I forgot about the party switch!
Q Lol, communist did not allow this type a behavior. People be fucking gone missing
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap! - The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton! - These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
Democrats Communists. I forgot about the party switch!
Q Lol, communist did not allow this type a behavior. People be fucking gone missing
Then again, wtf was his partner thinking? Shots fired and no gun drawn on the suspect?
He was probably one of those idiots that thinks that 8 rounds at point blank range is more than enough if not downright excessive.
- He should have just shot him in the kneecap!
- The guy o it had a knife. Cop could have handled that with his baton!
- These cops need a lesson in de-escalation. They should have just run away from the guy.
Who the fuck are these people?
There many options for fixing your life at that point but they are so fucking lazy that it never even occurs to them.
DemocratsCommunists. I forgot about the party switch!Lol, communist did not allow this type a behavior. People be fucking gone missing