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Selection 2020

oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

Elections are Selections. If your vote counted, voting would be banned tomorrow.
As Selection 2020 approaches in the United States of New Babylon, staged events
are ratcheting up in intensity. The forces that be, are bringing heat from the edge,
to free up space for their pre-selected candidate to push up the middle.

One party pushes the boundaries while the other strategically cedes ground. Both
march together toward the same destination.

Facing the dilemma of a Revolution against their System of Control, those that pull
the strings behind the Curtain co-opted and fomented the populist revolt that led
to the Selection of Donald J. Trump in 2016. It wasn't what they wanted, but it was
necessary to buy the time they needed to sprint to the Finish Line.

Like the Presidents who preceded him, Trump has been blackmailed by the Illuminati.
They are using members of his family, whose names have surfaced in connection with
'elite' paedophile rings, against him. Which has resulted in turning Mr. Trump into a
Trojan Horse.

While the United States was distracted in the early days of Trump's presidency by
scripted events like the deep state coup, the Mueller Investigation, the Border Wall
funding fiasco and other staged events designed to keep the left and the right engaged
against one another, insidious forces were at work behind the scenes implementing
Agenda 21 (21 = 2021), aka the Green New Deal (in the USA).

Under Agenda 21, travel will be banned, businesses will destroyed, private property (not
that it was ever yours to begin with) will be abolished, and ultimately the Planet will be
depopulated, in accordance with the tenets of the Georgia Guidestones.

Under cover of the Covid 1984 Plandemic and under his watch, Trump has presided over:

- The Fast tracked, Forced Rollout of 5g
- The Destruction of Small Businesses
- The Mandatory Masking of Americans
- The Gates Forced Vaccination Program (Operation Warp Speed)
- The Delegation of Power to 50 Regional Tyrants
- The Crackdown on International Travel
- The Erosion of Freedom of Movement Between the States
- The Destruction of Individual Liberties
- The deaths of hundreds of thousands who did not and are not receiving proper medical
treatment or diagnoses due to the hostile takeover of the US Medical System

- A massive transfer of wealth from small businesses to Bezos, Buffet, Gates,
Cuckerberg and others who benefit from the economic shutdowns
- Big Tech Censorship and Tyranny
- The Federal Reserve's Program of Destructive Inflation and the Fake US Coin Shortage

The Chinese System of Control and Surveillance, of Despotism and Social Credit Scores,
is the Blueprint that the NWO is rolling out across the World.

Who needs the Chicoms when you've got Donald Trump and Anthony Fauxi, Boris
Johnson and Prat Hancock, Scott Morrisson and Dan Andrews, to do their dirty work
for them? Of course Joe Biden will pursue the same agenda if selected, because he
too is participant in the Shadow Government Blackmail Program.

Do Something?


  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter
    Was going to downvote this, but the Willie Taggart gif saved you at the last minute.
  • doogiedoogie Member Posts: 15,072
    Michigan voter info on 7.5 million voters discovered on Russian Hacking platform.

    Whitless claims it’s all “Publicly available data” available through freedom of information act. Who is requesting personal info on all voters? Producing the FOIA should be easy to do.
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288

    Bill Gates Bakes a Birthday Cake for Warren Buffet
  • oregonblitzkriegoregonblitzkrieg Member Posts: 15,288
    edited October 2020
    I've received info indicating that US President Donald J Trump has been selected to serve another 4 year term.

    By and large he has been following and enacting the Agendas outlined for him and other World Leaders to enact, as listed above. So why rock the boat?

    If you're wondering why the democrats would nominate a Senile Cuck and a deeply unpopular VP candidate to run alongside him, who can't possibly win, it's fairly simple. Trump's re-election must appear to be a legitimate act of the voters of the United States. The more radical and unpopular the other side, the more legitimacy will be lent to the eventual result.

    The Democrats were instructed by their masters to nominate this duo. They were thrown a bone in exchange. They would receive a Supreme Court nominee that will serve their interests and maintain the Status Quo, Amy Coney Barett. Did you not notice how the previous nominee was on the receiving end of 666% more scrutiny and outrage from the US MSM and the democrat party? Amy Coney Barett is, for all intents and purposes, RBG II.

    Democlicans and Republicrats both play for the same team.
  • Doog_de_JourDoog_de_Jour Member Posts: 7,958 Standard Supporter

    I've received info indicating that US President Donald J Trump has been selected to serve another 4 year term.

    By and large he has been following and enacting the Agendas outlined for him and other World Leaders to enact, as listed above. So why rock the boat?

    If you're wondering why the democrats would nominate a Senile Cuck and a deeply unpopular VP candidate to run alongside him, who can't possibly win, it's fairly simple. Trump's re-election must appear to be a legitimate act of the voters of the United States. The more radical and unpopular the other side, the more legitimacy will be lent to the eventual result.

    The Democrats were instructed by their masters to nominate this duo. They were thrown a bone in exchange. They would receive a Supreme Court nominee that will serve their interests and maintain the Status Quo, Amy Coney Barett. Did you not notice how the previous nominee was on the receiving end of 666% more scrutiny and outrage from the US MSM and the democrat party? Amy Coney Barett is, for all intents and purposes, RBG II.

    Democlicans and Republicrats both play for the same team.
    So should I even bother in filling out my ballot?
  • PostGameOrangeSlicesPostGameOrangeSlices Member, Swaye's Wigwam Posts: 25,490 Swaye's Wigwam
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