I found the video of this one to be particularly sickening. Regardless of ones political views blah blah blah.....fuck, how did we get here?
So there was this Beautiful queen in 2015 destined to Grace the oval office and bring the country into it's most prosperous era. All she had to do was beat this bad orange man Russian agent guy with a urination fetish, but then...
Nonsense. Trump is sitting in the big chair so this is on him, not the losers. I think his divisive rhetoric turned the heat up just enough to start things boiling.
I hope this doesn't come off as attacking, but your response is exactly the reason we are where we are.
Since 2015 msm has been blasting this guy with fake story after fake story after impeachment after fake story after fake story without once halting the onslaught to objectively take a step back and think maybe we're causing more harm and division to the country than anything Trump is capable of.
I think it's a good sign you're asking questions like, "how did we get here?", but for a lot of us tugtards it has been crystal clear for a few years now.
I honestly don't know who will win come November, but it's going to get ugly either way. A lot of people see how the left has systematically torn America apart in the greatest tantrum of all-time. It's unforgivable.
In a best-case scenario, America is a young country and is currently going through its mid-teenage crisis. Drama, tantrums, and self-entitled pussies everywhere one looks. But one usually grows out of this phase eventually.
Worst-case scenario, Marxism is basically a cancer that has mestastasized to the body politic of a nation that has become spoiled, corrupt and self-entitled beyond redemption.
I found the video of this one to be particularly sickening. Regardless of ones political views blah blah blah.....fuck, how did we get here?
So there was this Beautiful queen in 2015 destined to Grace the oval office and bring the country into it's most prosperous era. All she had to do was beat this bad orange man Russian agent guy with a urination fetish, but then...
Nonsense. Trump is sitting in the big chair so this is on him, not the losers. I think his divisive rhetoric turned the heat up just enough to start things boiling.
Worst-case scenario, Marxism is basically a cancer that has mestastasized to the body politic of a nation that has become spoiled, corrupt and self-entitled beyond redemption.
It was over before it started
The trouble for them is that in a center right country they often don't get the state they want.
Put another way, with enough chaos people become comfortable with boots, but which set of boots?