Lol at wearing a mask while walking the dog in my neighborhood.
I’m seeing people wearing masks driving alone in their car. Not a lot, but some. What’s wrong with them? The second I hit the exit door of a building my cloth mask that hasn’t been washed in two weeks and doesn’t work goes right into my pocket, then on the passenger seat until the next time I have to pretend any of this is helping.
I see a lot of these dipshits walking around stores in their fancy worthless masks.
Thinking about printing out the CDC valve mask as being useless statement and harassing people wearing them, asking why they want everyone to die. Perhaps a reverse Karen move.
Just got a new mask with a pic of grimacing Reagan and "I Smell Hippies" underneath the pic. Several people I know getting them. If I have to wear the fucking thing to shop I want to piss people off!
I'll wear a mask to Costco because I love me some queen-sized olives and monster-sized bags of Cheetos.
Crunchy cheetos, not that weak ass puffy shit.
I see a lot of these dipshits walking around stores in their fancy worthless masks.
If Crazy Joe can come out of his basement and remember where he parked his car.
I need my immune system in George Carlin fighting shape.
Maybe just maybe all these population groups hitting 15-20% antibody and the virus dropping off a cliff aren’t just a coincidence.