To Join the SEC, ACC and BIG 12 for the 2020 College Football SeasonPlease to be welcoming the

NWO Conference Teams
1. Gates
2. Bozos
3. Fauxi
4. Soros
5. Cuckerberg
6. BLM
7. Buffet
8. Antifa
9. Rothschild
10. Beijing
Tentative Week 1 Games
Gates Vaxxes @ Cuckerberg Karens
BLM Brownshirts @ Alabama Crimson Tide
Tennessee Vols @ Rothschild Reptilians
Beijing Bebop @ TCU Horned Frogs
Antifa Arseholes @ Bozos Book Burners
FSU Seminoles @ Soros Staatspolizei
Buffet Brick Pallets @ Auburn Tigers
Clemson Tigers @ Fauxi Face Maskers
Disclaimer: In the event that Real SEC, Real ACC, Real Big 12
cancel their respective seasons due to Convid 1984
developments, the NWO Conference and every team therein
will win the College Football National Championship. Further,
the NWO Conference reserves the right to cancel the other
conferences at any tim and for whatever reason.
