Reminds me, a Q??? for my #YangGang guysm: My limited observation, it seems like Yang is suckling hard to get into the cool Dem crowd.
I haven't followed him much since China Cold took over, but just from that clip and a couple more I've seen, probably. He still calls out a lot of the elitist Dems.
Great, effective speech from Biden tonight. Trump making this campaign about Biden's cognitive decline when that is a wash for Trump at best, was a mistake.
The Trump campaign would be better off if they stopped lowering expectations for Biden as the debates get closer.
You're high. And that's your only redeeming quality.
Watching this clip moves me from disliking Kamala to outright despising her. The laugh. The dodge. The belligerence. Fuck that sloppy lunchmeat cunt. With Willy's Willy, though. Not mine.
I wish Trump had the rhetorical skills to use this statement by Harris to show that the Rats use charges of racism as just a standard campaign/debate tactic. They accuse each other of being racists, so it's hardly shocking that Joe and the rest of the Rats will lie and accuse Trump of being a racist. Turn Biden's bullshit claim about being a uniter and healer who isn't divisive like that awful Orange Man, into a weapon against him.
Joe's repeated use of the Charlottesville lie to launch his campaign and as part of his standard stump speech and now in his nomination acceptance speech shouldn't go unchallenged. It's a fucking blood libel and it's a complete lie.
I don't hate whores like Kamala, in general. I just don't want a whore as V.P. Especially a whore I cannot stand to look at or listen to.
It might work if Kamala was a good whore, but she's not. Kamala is a bad whore. And bad whores should not be a heartbeat or mental lapse away from the Oval Office.
Are you talking pre-recording of THIS speech or the pre-recording of the same speech he gave at the 2008 DNC?
I am sure one pundit had a tingling in his leg...
Why you never see Biden and Walter together!
It might work if Kamala was a good whore, but she's not. Kamala is a bad whore. And bad whores should not be a heartbeat or mental lapse away from the Oval Office.
Plagiarismer In Chief