Successful, attractive, confident people are more likely to believe in self determination and less inclined to blame others for everything and require a government to direct them? Who would have thought it....
I should have added I’m normally not a big believer in this type of generalization but after looking at all the mug shots of the ANTIFA idiots arrested I’m starting to think there might be something to this.
I should have added I’m normally not a big believer in this type of generalization but after looking at all the mug shots of the ANTIFA idiots arrested I’m starting to think there might be something to this.
I should have added I’m normally not a big believer in this type of generalization but after looking at all the mug shots of the ANTIFA idiots arrested I’m starting to think there might be something to this.
Generalizations are back, in a big way.
I learned recently from The News and then Joe Biden that all Black* people are basically the same, with few exceptions. Progress.