What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
Lots to unpack.
This, but Gold right now isn't a bad investment. Everything is going up because of money printing...I'm betting Gold will hit $3,000 by the end of 2021. But same thing driving that will drive lots of other things higher as well.
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
Lots to unpack.
This, but Gold right now isn't a bad investment. Everything is going up because of money printing...I'm betting Gold will hit $3,000 by the end of 2021. But same thing driving that will drive lots of other things higher as well.
I have bought a little silver over the last few years. I always recommend getting the physical stuff, rather than going with the stock/certificate route. I think up to 100 physical ounces is fine, then after that I'd switch to gold. But I definitely would not make this my only route. In my opinion, gold and silver should not be an investment driver, it should be looked as more of a diversification tool and a fail safe if the economy tanks. Gold and Silver will always have some value, other investments can go to zero.
Real estate blows in Texas...lots of land and it’s the primary method of taxation here on the local and state level. But I agree it’s going to appreciate the same way...all hard assets will.
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
Lots to unpack.
I have about $131k in various retirements, $20k in brokerage accounts, $9k in crypto, and $100k in the bank. I’m 33.
I would be fine with ETF’s but my friend who may or may not be a little anxious about the market says 10% in physical gold and/or silver.
Residential or commercial? I’m a loan officer so I agree to a certain point. Residential real estate is just expensive and the ROI on rentals is too minimal right now unless you get a smoking deal.
Residential or commercial? I’m a loan officer so I agree to a certain point. Residential real estate is just expensive and the ROI on rentals is too minimal right now unless you get a smoking deal.
The changing landlord laws make residential real estate investment less and less appealing. All it takes is one bad tenant, to ruin everything you have worked hard for.
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
Lots to unpack.
I have about $131k in various retirements, $20k in brokerage accounts, $9k in crypto, and $100k in the bank. I’m 33.
I would be fine with ETF’s but my friend who may or may not be a little anxious about the market says 10% in physical gold and/or silver.
Why do you have that much cash in the bank? Keep only 3-6 months of expenses in short-term liquid reserves. If you're that worried about volatility, buy treasuries or muni bonds and at least make a couple %. I would just dump it in a market index if it were me.
Gold is fine, but I'm a little more skeptical than others around here on its potential.
No. With unemployment insurance ending and 28M people immanently out on the street, the landlords won't be gettin their scratch either. All of it's going back to the banks. Then to the courthouse steps. Then to he retail market.
For perspective, 8M were kicked out in the street in '08.
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
So the consensus is there’s no consensus. I’ve never considered it until recently but I want some alternative to diversify.
The American dollar is so fucked. There will be hyperinflation. The Fed will keep printing money. Shit, they can’t print is as fast as they are promising to spend it at this point.
What's the rest of your portfolio look like? How averse to risk are you? What is your portfolio goal? How liquid do you want to be? Gold or gold etf's?
Lots to unpack.
This, but Gold right now isn't a bad investment. Everything is going up because of money printing...I'm betting Gold will hit $3,000 by the end of 2021. But same thing driving that will drive lots of other things higher as well.
Lots to unpack.
Stay the fuck away from oil.
Real estate is where it's at
I would be fine with ETF’s but my friend who may or may not be a little anxious about the market says 10% in physical gold and/or silver.
Gold is fine, but I'm a little more skeptical than others around here on its potential.
For perspective, 8M were kicked out in the street in '08.
We?re so fucked.
The American dollar is so fucked. There will be hyperinflation. The Fed will keep printing money. Shit, they can’t print is as fast as they are promising to spend it at this point.