If somebody can make a reasonable case for Reparations, and make a reasonable connection with the impacts slavery had on their lives today, then I'm fine with some sort of Reparations that would be a symbolic expression of regret and a modest remittance to help someone out.
But as a condition of that potential step, I want the full story about the African and European slave trades to be told, going back to its beginnings in the Arab world and before that, China and the Far East. I'm sick of this shit about how America "invented" slavery. It's such a steaming pile of dishonest horseshit that I would never give a dime to anyone who propagates that myth. African Kings loved slavery and made a killing from selling them to whites and browns headed to the new world.
And shall we dare discuss the Barbary Pirates who decimated white and brown villages from all over the Mediterranean and up and down The Atlantic Coast from Iceland to the Congo? Those Muslim mother-fuckers cleaned house, capturing an estimated 1.25 million people they used as galley slaves, leaving abandoned villages all over the Mediterranean and attacked American cargo ships until Jefferson attacked finally attacked them back and the French conquered them in the 1830s.
Every time I hear some asshole on TV talking about how slavery in the U.S. was "uniquely" terrible or exploitative, I have to remind myself that bondage is arguably better than being eaten by a cannibal back home.
If you were on the losing side of a war on the African continent back in the 1500s, life was not going to be a picnic for you, IF you were allowed to live. The truth hurts.
I’ll gladly write a check if I never have to hear about systemic racism again. Problem is those who receive handouts just end up resenting those who wrote the check though, they feel shamed.
I’m a descendent of a Union General. Does that exempt me from all of this?
What about descendants of early 1900s immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and Germany? Are they exempt from paying out on something that happened 50 years before their great great grandfather crawled off of a boat with a only three clothes on his back?
Help me flesh this out. Am I now entitled to demand reparations for the indentured servitude my far ancestors toiled under in Scotland? Who do I invoice for that?
This is all fucking nonsense and detracts from the current issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, right now, those issues seem to be pancake syrup, rice, and Historically significant monuments.
You go back to 1890, my descendants were either in France, Ireland, Norway or were Native American.
Descendants? Go back to 1979 and my ancestors were in Canada and Australia. Go back 400 years and they were in NY and Europe. No slave ownership in my history so I’m not feeling the white guilt. At all.
I’m a descendent of a Union General. Does that exempt me from all of this?
What about descendants of early 1900s immigrants from Ireland, Italy, and Germany? Are they exempt from paying out on something that happened 50 years before their great great grandfather crawled off of a boat with a only three clothes on his back?
Help me flesh this out. Am I now entitled to demand reparations for the indentured servitude my far ancestors toiled under in Scotland? Who do I invoice for that?
This is all fucking nonsense and detracts from the current issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, right now, those issues seem to be pancake syrup, rice, and Historically significant monuments.
You go back to 1890, my descendants were either in France, Ireland, Norway or were Native American.
Descendants? Go back to 1979 and my ancestors were in Canada and Australia. Go back 400 years and they were in NY and Europe. No slave ownership in my history so I’m not feeling the white guilt. At all.
But as a condition of that potential step, I want the full story about the African and European slave trades to be told, going back to its beginnings in the Arab world and before that, China and the Far East. I'm sick of this shit about how America "invented" slavery. It's such a steaming pile of dishonest horseshit that I would never give a dime to anyone who propagates that myth. African Kings loved slavery and made a killing from selling them to whites and browns headed to the new world.
And shall we dare discuss the Barbary Pirates who decimated white and brown villages from all over the Mediterranean and up and down The Atlantic Coast from Iceland to the Congo? Those Muslim mother-fuckers cleaned house, capturing an estimated 1.25 million people they used as galley slaves, leaving abandoned villages all over the Mediterranean and attacked American cargo ships until Jefferson attacked finally attacked them back and the French conquered them in the 1830s.
Every time I hear some asshole on TV talking about how slavery in the U.S. was "uniquely" terrible or exploitative, I have to remind myself that bondage is arguably better than being eaten by a cannibal back home.
If you were on the losing side of a war on the African continent back in the 1500s, life was not going to be a picnic for you, IF you were allowed to live. The truth hurts.
Who's going to pay reparations to all the dead soldiers who died freeing the slaves?
Democrats should be responsible for all reparations. They did it. They fought ending it and they're still keeping minorities down. They are "the man"!
Then the government can lose it and you'll never see a dime, cause your submission will be deemed too late.
Pics of hot Aussie relatives?