The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
1. Maintain optics for those who want them to #DoSomething. Reelections are a bitch.
2. Protect teachers, administrators and other staff.
3. Protect the families of those kids who could potentially get infected.
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services. It's almost assuredly worse for the kids to not have school right now.
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
1. Maintain optics for those who want them to #DoSomething. Reelections are a bitch.
2. Protect teachers, administrators and other staff.
3. Protect the families of those kids who could potentially get infected.
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services. It's almost assuredly worse for the kids to not have school right now.
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
1. Maintain optics for those who want them to #DoSomething. Reelections are a bitch.
2. Protect teachers, administrators and other staff.
3. Protect the families of those kids who could potentially get infected.
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services. It's almost assuredly worse for the kids to not have school right now.
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
Well, I was FIRST to chin it.
My miserable and pathetic self often takes pride at being the FIRST to chin a quality poast.
The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
1. Maintain optics for those who want them to #DoSomething. Reelections are a bitch.
2. Protect teachers, administrators and other staff.
3. Protect the families of those kids who could potentially get infected.
4. Because they can. Just like the answer to the question, "Why does a dog lick its nuts?" The teachers want to get paid for doing little actual work.
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services. It's almost assuredly worse for the kids to not have school right now.
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
The teachers want to get paid for doing little actual work. Can confirm
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services.
fact check: FALSE
(any adult over 18 can pick up their weekly Family Box of Food once per week at the school between 9-12 and if you can’t make it, it will be delivered.)
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
Would you guysm stop pointing out why schools should open? We've got a chance to fucking absolutely slaughter the teachers unions.
@UW_Doog_Bot I think I know the answer, but your smarter than me. What's the attack here?
Public schools get funding based largely by headcount. Combine parents taking their kids business elsewhere and a 30% attendance ratio for those that stay and budgets are going to blow up even in government.
Meanwhile, parents are opting into homeschooling and hiring away all the young teachers. Ratio headcount is down for charter and private(10 to 1 MAX) but still in person meaning they are hiring staff away from the public schools.
Even the wife's company is lobbying for exceptions and to setup "home schooling" centers.
School choice is going to be HOT this fall you heard it here first. Which party is it that is for school choice and which party is in bed with Public unions? They are going to shoot themselves in the dick closing public schools.
It's science.
The schools aren't closing to protect the kids. They're closing to
1. Maintain optics for those who want them to #DoSomething. Reelections are a bitch.
2. Protect teachers, administrators and other staff.
3. Protect the families of those kids who could potentially get infected.
The kids are going to be fine. In fact closing the schools cuts off a lot of kids from lunches and other services. It's almost assuredly worse for the kids to not have school right now.
This isn't being done to protect children. Not by anyone who cares about the science anyway.
All Children Left Behind
Meanwhile, parents are opting into homeschooling and hiring away all the young teachers. Ratio headcount is down for charter and private(10 to 1 MAX) but still in person meaning they are hiring staff away from the public schools.
Even the wife's company is lobbying for exceptions and to setup "home schooling" centers.
School choice is going to be HOT this fall you heard it here first. Which party is it that is for school choice and which party is in bed with Public unions? They are going to shoot themselves in the dick closing public schools.