Now imagine Trump or an actual conservative saying that colleges are placing too big of a burden on minority students by expecting them to learn REAL English and grammar.
What do you think an English degree from Rutger's is worth to an employee. Especially, a black applicant who has several grammatical errors on their resume?
Now imagine Trump or an actual conservative saying that colleges are placing too big of a burden on minority students by expecting them to learn REAL English and grammar.
My parents, with broken English, did better in college writing courses than most of their native speaking cohorts. One particularly pissed off professor actually called out my mom in an open comparative lit class when he blurted something to the effect of, "this young woman writes in English better than the rest of you and she just got here." Of course, that would be a micro, or macro, aggression today. But in 1964 it was a compliment.
Consequently, their children and grandchildren speak English better than 99.67% of the people whose people have been here for five generations. And that's no exaggeration.
Now imagine Trump or an actual conservative saying that colleges are placing too big of a burden on minority students by expecting them to learn REAL English and grammar.
My parents, with broken English, did better in college writing courses than most of their native speaking cohorts. One particularly pissed off professor actually called out my mom in an open comparative lit class when he blurted something to the effect of, "this young woman writes in English better than the rest of you and she just got here." Of course, that would be a micro, or macro, aggression today. But in 1964 it was a compliment.
Consequently, their children and grandchildren speak English better than 99.67% of the people whose people have been here for five generations. And that's no exaggeration.
Reminds me of the old theorem that the longer your family is in America the dumber they get. My family has been here longer than any of you, which explains why I am the dumbest. I am the proof for that theorem. /flex
Colleges that operate like adult daycares are ruining generations of young Americans.
Beyond that, capitulations like at Rutgers are simply lazy. When the administration and professors can no longer explain why standards like proper English are important and worthy of upholding, it's time to fire their asses.
What kind of fucking loser institution literally concedes the curricula to an ignorant mob?
What do you think an English degree from Rutger's is worth to an employee. Especially, a black applicant who has several grammatical errors on their resume?
Rutgers is a solid, though hardly elite, university, so any degree from there will work accordingly. In terms of English, it's still a very solid undergraduate preparation to go forward in a variety of directions. People who can read, write and think critically still do well in this world. They're educated people. And old partner's daughter just made one of those Sillicon Valley private equity rising stars lists, and she majored in History and Spanish ... but at Dartmouth. She could have studied English or Philosophy with the same result.
Smart and well educated people are good learners and learn new things fairly easily. I see it every day.
An interesting wrinkle in all of this is how many of the Humanities courses in Critical Theory (race/gender/queer, etc., etc.) or Fill-In-The-Blank studies actually arose out of English Departments in the 1950s. Radical Lesbian Feminist Camille Paglia has written extensively, and mockingly, about how critical studies first took over English departments, then branched out on its own, presumably so fat ugly loser gay women could read and write about scissoring as well as do it all the time.
Paglia's point is that the French Philosophers were a bunch of self-important, incredibly sexist, patronizing commie assholes who deserve no respect, but actual contempt from women. Yet, because of the accent, apparently, wimpy men and stupid women fawn all over the French assholes who define the now "Humanities" Curricula where students are groomed to hate America, men and anything the least bit successful or interesting.
I agree with Jordan Peterson that Humanities Departments all over North America are undermining our culture and need to be shut down.
An interesting wrinkle in all of this is how many of the Humanities courses in Critical Theory (race/gender/queer, etc., etc.) or Fill-In-The-Blank studies actually arose out of English Departments in the 1950s. Radical Lesbian Feminist Camille Paglia has written extensively, and mockingly, about how critical studies first took over English departments, then branched out on its own, presumably so fat ugly loser gay women could read and write about scissoring as well as do it all the time.
Paglia's point is that the French Philosophers were a bunch of self-important, incredibly sexist, patronizing commie assholes who deserve no respect, but actual contempt from women. Yet, because of the accent, apparently, wimpy men and stupid women fawn all over the French assholes who define the now "Humanities" Curricula where students are groomed to hate America, men and anything the least bit successful or interesting.
I agree with Jordan Peterson that Humanities Departments all over North America are undermining our culture and need to be shut down.
Not sure I agree. The exercise of dismantling the artifice of what it is you think you know, and why, is developmental and healthy. Always has been. I learned Marxist theory from a Marxist scholar at UW and it made me smarter, though I'm the last person anyone would ever accuse of being a Marxist.
Something else happened ... I'm not quite sure I can put my finger on it, and I've not read anything super thought-provoking addressing it either. We had cultural backlash in the 60s as well and the world didn't end. Maybe it's the real proliferation of politcal correctness. That's about as close as I can get to a cogent explanation. The safe spaces shit is about as existential a threat to real education as it gets. The reason to go off to college is precisely to be uncomfortable. That's how you learn and stretch your brain.
Re the French philosophers ... they all had something to say. Descartes actually had some original thought. Voltaire and the rest of them were an interesting read, but Descartes is the guy from that crowd who stuck with me.
I like a lot of what Jordan Peterson has to say, and think him to be an incredibly smart man. I also think he wanders towards being a somewhat manic figure at times. Just my take.
Now imagine Trump or an actual conservative saying that colleges are placing too big of a burden on minority students by expecting them to learn REAL English and grammar.
My parents, with broken English, did better in college writing courses than most of their native speaking cohorts. One particularly pissed off professor actually called out my mom in an open comparative lit class when he blurted something to the effect of, "this young woman writes in English better than the rest of you and she just got here." Of course, that would be a micro, or macro, aggression today. But in 1964 it was a compliment.
Consequently, their children and grandchildren speak English better than 99.67% of the people whose people have been here for five generations. And that's no exaggeration.
Consequently, their children and grandchildren speak English better than 99.67% of the people whose people have been here for five generations. And that's no exaggeration.
Beyond that, capitulations like at Rutgers are simply lazy. When the administration and professors can no longer explain why standards like proper English are important and worthy of upholding, it's time to fire their asses.
What kind of fucking loser institution literally concedes the curricula to an ignorant mob?
Smart and well educated people are good learners and learn new things fairly easily. I see it every day.
Paglia's point is that the French Philosophers were a bunch of self-important, incredibly sexist, patronizing commie assholes who deserve no respect, but actual contempt from women. Yet, because of the accent, apparently, wimpy men and stupid women fawn all over the French assholes who define the now "Humanities" Curricula where students are groomed to hate America, men and anything the least bit successful or interesting.
I agree with Jordan Peterson that Humanities Departments all over North America are undermining our culture and need to be shut down.
So does this mean if Rutgers likes its nappy headed hos, it can keep them?
Axing for a fren.
Fuck them
Something else happened ... I'm not quite sure I can put my finger on it, and I've not read anything super thought-provoking addressing it either. We had cultural backlash in the 60s as well and the world didn't end. Maybe it's the real proliferation of politcal correctness. That's about as close as I can get to a cogent explanation. The safe spaces shit is about as existential a threat to real education as it gets. The reason to go off to college is precisely to be uncomfortable. That's how you learn and stretch your brain.
Re the French philosophers ... they all had something to say. Descartes actually had some original thought. Voltaire and the rest of them were an interesting read, but Descartes is the guy from that crowd who stuck with me.
I like a lot of what Jordan Peterson has to say, and think him to be an incredibly smart man. I also think he wanders towards being a somewhat manic figure at times. Just my take.