Herd immunity this shit will be over in 90 days.Let it go Jay you political hack.
So the tug thinks Chinslee is a disgrace for a Governor (rightfully) but when it comes to the election, including the primary, that asshat will win big. The primary might even be 2 dems running.
Herd immunity this shit will be over in 90 days.Let it go Jay you political hack.
So the tug thinks Chinslee is a disgrace for a Governor (rightfully) but when it comes to the election, including the primary, that asshat will win big. The primary might even be 2 dems running.
This state is fucked
Say true. His KingCo base couldn’t love him anymore. The rest of us simply don’t matter.
Unfortunately I agree and you know what’s coming a state tax!
Capital gains will happen first. Property taxes on residential housing are gonna jump, too, because the value of commercial property is plummeting thanks to this shit. Have heard that directly from the mouths of Assessors.
Unfortunately I agree and you know what’s coming a state tax!
Capital gains will happen first. Property taxes on residential housing are gonna jump, too, because the value of commercial property is plummeting thanks to this shit. Have heard that directly from the mouths of Assessors.
Truthiness in the 509.
Like dude you could sit there running low ass numbers with any yearly contagious disease.
How's asthma?
Graphs of cases are meaningless. When the percent positive spikes then there's a real problem.
This state is fucked
Blood on the Home