This is happening everywhere as the deep state medical profession is all in on getting rid of Trump. Surprised the Oregonian picked this up. Mainly the MSM is pushing fear and panic. seemed fine as Robert Smith visited his in-laws outside Hermiston. But about 15 minutes later, after he’d returned to his home just up the road, his wife received the call from her mother.
Something was wrong with dad. They needed to come over. Quickly.
They arrived to see an ambulance already parked in the driveway. Edward Griggs, 83, was being treated for a heart attack. About 18 minutes later, Griggs was dead.
Officials on the scene asked if Griggs had shown any symptoms of the coronavirus. Their answer was no, but it was difficult to be sure.
Smith requested a post-mortem test to ensure his family wasn’t at risk of infection. His wife was undergoing chemotherapy, and he worried that if the test was positive, her treatment might be put on hold.
The following day, July 4, the test came back positive. Soon after, the Oregon Health Authority declared Griggs the state’s 226th victim of the coronavirus.
But the family disagrees with OHA. They believe Griggs died from his preexisting health conditions -- that the state did not release to the public -- not the virus, and that state authorities are being misleading by classifying him as a COVID-19 death.
“It is not the truth,” Smith said. “Did he test positive? Yes, that’s the truth. Did he die of the coronavirus? That’s not true.”
An even more forgotten grad student will attempt to publish a paper on the increased rape, domestic violence, child abuse, and suicide rate during the Covid crisis and economic lockdown depression and never even get funding.