How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
And through the help of a corrupt media used "leaks" from people inside the government or had friendly reporters just make shit up, that essentially crippled his administration before he even took office. Mueller investigation intentionally dragged out to impact the mid-term elections all while Schiff and the Rats repeatedly lied about Trump being a Russian agent and colluding with the Russians when they knew they had no evidence to support it.
Nobody should be surprised. These are the very same people who were gladly using a completely bogus story about Kavanaugh to block his confirmation. This is the same party that knowingly lied about Romney not paying his taxes and then gloated about the lie after they had won the election.
There is no morality or ethics or truth with these people. But somehow, we're supposed to compromise in order to govern with them.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
How frustrating must it be for this guy, who could be banging supermodels on his yacht in his Golden Years, to realize that there is zero chance Rice/Biden/Obama/Clinton/Comey/Brennan/McCabe/Page/Weissman/Mueller will ever face consequences for their illegal actions.
Nobody should be surprised. These are the very same people who were gladly using a completely bogus story about Kavanaugh to block his confirmation. This is the same party that knowingly lied about Romney not paying his taxes and then gloated about the lie after they had won the election.
There is no morality or ethics or truth with these people. But somehow, we're supposed to compromise in order to govern with them.