Why doe an orchestra need to reflect the racial and gender make up of the community any more than their sports teams do?
Sports can employ people based upon skills and merit and if they happen to employ more black people because of it, that's okay. But don't try to apply this standard to any other area of society.
We have certainly not come a long way since barry was elected in 2008.
Racism was dead in the 90s. Obama brought it back.
Actually this quote doesn't really get to the heart of the matter. Accusations of racism are a tool for acquiring and maintaining power.
It’s a quote. Not an essay. He has books you can read where he does get to the heart of the matter. Black Rednecks and White Liberals is a good one. He’s a technically gifted writer.
Very inflammatory language against the sight impaired.
amrite or amirite, @GrandpaSankey ?
Fucking sight-able people. Insensitive assholes.