Guy got a hell of a lot mileage out of getting the shit beat out of him in the 1960s.
Lewis work in the civil rights era was incredibly brave and necessary. But the motherfucker dined out on that work for nearly 60 years and during those 60 years he became a despicable person who happily traded on his iconic civil rights hero status to smear his Political opponents as racists simply for wanting smaller government and less taxes.
Yep, so many hate crimes that even the top blacks need to go Jesse Smollett. Widely reported by the MSM, then silence after it turned out to be a lie. At least, unlike with the Rev. Al, nobody directly died.
Pretty Harsh. He did a lot of good early on and served a long, long time. Sure, he phoned-in the last two decades, but that's on his voters.
If he had just phoned it in I could have lived with that. He was the ever ready Rat party Race card smear merchant.
Maybe I just had low expectations. He certainly mouthed the Racism is always the Excuse mantra over the last 20 years, I agree with that.
He seemed to really dive into the gutter during the latter part of the Clinton years. Maybe the Gingrich Revolution looked to him like the Crusades looked to the Moors.
Speaking of silence anyone hear anything about the young woman in Wisconsin who claims the “frat bro” white guys lit her on fire?
I've got a very Smollett-like feeling about that one, especially after her parents immediately said "we'll handle this ourselves" or whatever they fuck they did to preemptively get away from the media spotlight.
Sure would be nice to get a name, and John Lewis was lying again when he said someone was arrested for spitting on him. Fake News. Nothing in the article other than Lewis lying says someone was arrested for spitting on him, you fool.
Capitol Police escorted the members of Congress into the Capitol after the confrontation. At least one demonstrator was reported arrested.
The name of the arrested Tea Party member who spit in Lewis’ face shall never be known. This is the stupidity of Dildo Baggins, FAS poster dumbshit. Nothing in that article says anyone was arrested for spitting on Lewis, other than known liar John Lewis and his lying team claiming so.
Lewis work in the civil rights era was incredibly brave and necessary. But the motherfucker dined out on that work for nearly 60 years and during those 60 years he became a despicable person who happily traded on his iconic civil rights hero status to smear his Political opponents as racists simply for wanting smaller government and less taxes.
He seemed to really dive into the gutter during the latter part of the Clinton years. Maybe the Gingrich Revolution looked to him like the Crusades looked to the Moors.
Now Back to Trayvon and George.......
You’re so fucking stupid. I’d call you a liar but you really are so stupid that you believe there were arrests, so you can’t be lying.
Capitol Police escorted the members of Congress into the Capitol after the confrontation. At least one demonstrator was reported arrested.
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