COVID19 has exposed that American doesn't take care of the elderly. We would rather put grandma in a "home" and visit on holidays than really care for her. In the California country I live in, 68% of the deaths are people in elderly long term care facilities.
COVID19 has exposed that American doesn't take care of the elderly. We would rather put grandma in a "home" and visit on holidays than really care for her. In the California country I live in, 68% of the deaths are people in elderly long term care facilities.
Keep the indoctrination centers, which have been outfitted with 5g during lockdowns, closed. They are planning to murder students with 5g and blame it on the 'virus.' Like they murdered people in the nursing homes and on the cruise ships that were outfitted with 5g. You are advised not to send your kids back to these concentration camps.
My mom died in memory care. That's what happens there pussy
Montana is yet another state with a Democrat governor fucking up the most obvious protocol.
OK! The governor refused to administer the tests at this nursing home. You sure are a sharp one sport.
No that’s Trump’s job. Just as personally delivering unnecessary ventilators was his responsibility. You’re just as bad at this as Gary Anderson was good at clowning Corvallis. That was a true edgelord move by Coach. Would rather be in Utah than Cornvalley.
My mom died in memory care. That's what happens there pussy
Montana is yet another state with a Democrat governor fucking up the most obvious protocol.
OK! The governor refused to administer the tests at this nursing home. You sure are a sharp one sport.
No that’s Trump’s job. Just as personally delivering unnecessary ventilators was his responsibility. You’re just as bad at this as Gary Anderson was good at clowning Corvallis. That was a true edgelord move by Coach. Would rather be in Utah than Cornvalley.
COVID19 has exposed that American doesn't take care of the elderly. We would rather put grandma in a "home" and visit on holidays than really care for her. In the California country I live in, 68% of the deaths are people in elderly long term care facilities.
COVID19 has exposed that American doesn't take care of the elderly. We would rather put grandma in a "home" and visit on holidays than really care for her. In the California country I live in, 68% of the deaths are people in elderly long term care facilities.
Cuomo report on nursing-home deaths related to COVID-19 ripped by experts
By Bruce Golding
July 14, 2020 | 2:07pm