Awesome plan. Unarmed Department of Transportation workers potentially dealing with DUIs and pulled over felons seems like sound policy. What could possible go wrong. Are cops shooting “black and brown” people during traffic stops on a routine basis there?, Calif. (KGO) -- In the East Bay, in what's believed to be a first in the nation proposal, the City of Berkeley has proposed ending police traffic enforcement.
Next week, Berkeley's City Council will vote on a proposal to create a Department of Transportation and use employees in that department to make traffic stops instead of Berkeley Police officers.
"Most traffic stops don't really warrant a police officer," said Darrel Owens, the co-executive of East Bay for Everyone, a housing and traffic non-profit. He helped pitch the new, one-year plan to Berkeley City Council. He says ideally the city would take money away from Berkeley PD to fund the new department.
"A minor traffic violation should not have resulted in the murder of a black or brown body, but at the same time we can also re-examine the nature of punitive law enforcement and broken windows policing that makes traffic enforcement so deadly to begin with."
Sheer lunacy and people will die.
Armed officers get shot all the time on routine traffic stops. Unarmed DOT employees is comical.
What if the black or brown body is wanted for rape or murder and is resisting arrest?
Do not inject common sense into demorat (communist) talking points!
A great deal of felons are apprehended on routine traffic stops. I would say the majority are.